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Sherry_AK July 14, 2010 10:15 PM

First harvest of the season. Polar Baby and Pearly Pink Orange.


Timmah! July 14, 2010 10:16 PM

Yay! Now let's see some sliced pics!

gardenfrog July 14, 2010 10:30 PM

Sherry, doesn't it feel good?!?!?!

Talon1189 July 14, 2010 10:48 PM

Very nice picture......they look delicious :D

shlacm July 14, 2010 11:29 PM

I'm guessing the little ones are the Pearly Pink Orange -- they are sooooo pretty!!! How do they taste?

mdvpc July 14, 2010 11:32 PM

Sherry: I assume I sent you pearly pink orange? Also interested in how they tasted in your zone.

Sherry_AK July 15, 2010 12:30 AM

[quote]Yay! Now let's see some sliced pics![/quote]

These are just little guys ... pop 'em right in and eat 'em whole! In fact, that's exactly what we did with them.

[quote]Sherry, doesn't it feel good?!?!?![/quote]

It sure does! A bit later than normal this year for first ripe tomatoes.

[quote]I'm guessing the little ones are the Pearly Pink Orange [/quote]

Right you are!

[quote]Very nice picture......they look delicious [/quote]

Thanks! They are pretty yummy. And early too!

[quote]I assume I sent you pearly pink orange? Also interested in how they tasted in your zone.[/quote]

I got seed from Sue (akgardengirl) last year, and I'm pretty sure you sent them to her. I grew a couple of them last year and they were a big hit, so they earned a spot this year too! Loads and loads of tomatoes on these little plants. Pretty plants, too. These came from the greenhouse, although I'm trying a couple outside this year as well. Taste is pretty good ... not up there with Sun Gold or Black Cherry (my favorite cherries), but still good. And they sure are pretty!

mdvpc July 15, 2010 09:21 AM

Are you growing them in containers, and if so, what size?

akgardengirl July 15, 2010 09:42 AM

I am growing the Pearly Pink Orange also and I have never seen such a small plant with so many blossoms. There is about 11 tomatoes on it right now but they are still green. I put my grandson's name on the pot and he checks it out every time he comes over. He likes to pick up the pot to check the weight I guess (he is almost 3). I have it growing in a 2+ gallon pot. Thanks Michael for the seeds.

mdvpc July 15, 2010 12:45 PM

Sue: Happy to have sent seed to you and Sherry. I germinated seed this week to get fresh stock-not many folks are growing this to keep it alive.

frozengirl July 15, 2010 01:48 PM

Wonderful! Its officially Summer now.

akgardengirl July 15, 2010 05:38 PM

Where's the sun if it's summer? I need some Vit. D!

Sherry_AK July 15, 2010 09:08 PM

Michael -- I think the smaller container in the g/h is about 3 gal. and the ones out on the deck are 5+ gal. Not that I expected them to need 5+ gallons, but I have a set of square decorative containers I use on the deck. I have two planted with Pearly Pink Orange, two with Spiridonovskie, and two with Polar Baby. Oh, and there's one out in the driveway that's in a smaller container. Might be a small patio bowl, but I'll have to look.

remy July 15, 2010 09:36 PM

Very nice! Love the pic.

Sherry_AK July 15, 2010 11:52 PM

[quote=remy;176945]Very nice! Love the pic.

Thanks, Remy! We sure enjoyed the tomatoes. (And didn't even have to consider cutting them in half!)

Sherry_AK July 16, 2010 08:27 PM

4 Attachment(s)
Michael -- Here are some shots of the PPO plants. I'd say the smaller (brown) container is 2 gal. at most.

mdvpc July 16, 2010 10:07 PM


Great looking little guys! Keep us posted on how they do, pls.

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