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TZ-OH6 January 12, 2009 06:52 PM

store bought habeneros
Is there any reason why I can't grow from seeds saved from store bought fruit?

Dukerdawg January 12, 2009 07:25 PM

No reason at all. My buddy Pat saved seeds from a pepper year before last. Just put the seeds on a paper plate and let them dry. Every single one germinated last year. Go for it!


Worth1 January 12, 2009 07:48 PM

I agree I always plant seeds from peppers out of the store.
some of the best cantaloupes I have had were from saved seeds from out of the store.
They didn't come true they were smaller but they were sweeeeet.


Penny January 15, 2009 01:49 PM

Good idea.....didnt think of this one.

TZ-OH6 January 15, 2009 05:44 PM

Thanks guys, I have a big ol' pile of seeds now. I am drying a pound and a half of fresh fruit, which will make less than a cup of ground powder for season salt. Dry winter air is great for air drying.

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