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AK110682 February 19, 2009 12:09 AM

Lemon Basil Seeds???
Have any of you ever grown Lemon Basil? I grew genovese basil last year... and this year I decided to also try some Lemon Basil.

Tonight, I pulled out a few jiffy pellets and started planting some seeds..... As soon as the seeds touched water they immediately started to swell up, growing bigger and bigger right before my eyes... turning from black to a "blueberry" like color. Is this normal? After a few mins of sitting on the pellet, I touched one and it just turned to mush. They look like some kind of eggs..... yuck, I hope they aren't really eggs of some sort.

They came from Wintersown, in a new, unopened package... packed for '07. Would seeds that are only 2 years old turn to mush when they touched water?

I will try to get some pictures on here in the next couple days or so.....

What do ya'll think?


Tomaat February 19, 2009 01:51 AM

This is perfectly normal to all basil seeds. In south east asia, the basil seeds is used in drinks (makes them look alike frog eggs...).

Suze February 19, 2009 03:50 AM

I have grown lemon basil before, and several other basils.

Yeah, basil seeds visibly swell when they contact moisture. Assuming fairly decent warmth, I suspect they should sprout in a few days or so. If uneven/cooler temps, may take a bit longer.

AK110682 February 19, 2009 06:53 AM

Wow... you learn something new everyday!
Wow, didn't realize this was normal..... you learn something new everyday! Thanks Ya'll!


AK110682 March 1, 2009 06:46 PM

Yep those "frog eggs" are up and growing beautifully... who knew :lol:


garnetmoth April 3, 2009 04:04 PM

Ive had the most luck with a bit of Reemay or using a plastic clamshell to keep the humidity in when sprouting Basil.

Good luck to you! should go great with fish, cous cous, chicken....

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