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FILMNET July 14, 2010 11:34 AM

new shots
Smarty F1
Mountain Magic f1
Juane Flamme
Jaune Flamme plant
What happened here Black Krim 2 shots below
Mariannes peace funny looking side

Timmah! July 14, 2010 11:42 AM

Nice lookin' fruit. Gonna be eating tomatoes before too long.

FILMNET July 14, 2010 12:05 PM

Carolyn sent these seeds of Mountaian Magic and smarty, i shot the for her, What do anyone think what happened with the other big ones, 2 flowers maybe?

carolyn137 July 14, 2010 12:43 PM

The Mt Mgic looks Ok but Smarty should be a true grape shape and that's not what I see of the fruits in front. There's no chance of any mixups at all b'c what I sent out were F1 seeds directly from the Breeder, Dr. Randy Gardner, and the Smarty one was sold last year by Johnny's and the picture showed a grape shape which is what I got here at home last year.

About the Juane Flamme. it should be round but what I see is not round.

Could there be some distortion due to the photography?

Do keep your pictures of the two NCSU ones b'c as I said in my recent post in the NCSU thread in the Seed Exchange in a few weeks I'm going to put up two threads in the General Discussion Forum, one for feedback from my general seed offer this year and one for feedback for the NCSU varieties.

DanishGardener July 14, 2010 01:01 PM

I think the water drops, at the end of each fruit may be the cause :)


carolyn137 July 14, 2010 01:05 PM

I forgot two things.

First, is there any chance you also asked for Plum Regal b'c those smartys look like Plum Regal to me. I have no records b'c as requests came in I had a stack of envelopes here by the computer and wrote in the upper left hand corner what each person requested and then covered that with my return address label.

if you didn't ask for Plum Regal F1 it's possible that I may have sent the wrong seeds; it can happen b'c I'm not yet perfect.;)

The black lines on the Black Krim is called zippering and is just a cosmetic blemish.

FILMNET July 14, 2010 01:21 PM

I treid again
Negro Azact
Juane Flamme's with BER on some older tomatos
I have 3 plants of these i have them as Smarty f1 on them, if not what can they be? small plants under 3 ft only ,2 in pots and 1 in ground? i did get only 3 seeds of them also

FILMNET July 14, 2010 02:18 PM

maybe you are right Plum Regal F1
Plum Regal F1: Later-maturing hybrid freshmarket plum tomato offers a broad range of disease
resistance, high yields of large fruit, and bright red exterior and interior. Resistant
to Verticillium Wilt, Fusarium wilt 1 and 2, TSWV and late blight, with a moderate
early blight resistance as well. Highly resistant to graywall and fruit cracking.
Fruits, similar in size and shape to Plum Crimson, are borne on determinate plants
with heavy cover. Very small blossom end scars. Appealing deep red interior. Also
suitable for vine-ripe or mature green harvest.

My plants are determinate also , today i cut some stem out , because the small plants have to many stem's with small leafs, i will not do this again now? here is what i got from you, no problem about this!!!!!!! Thanks for telling me want i was growing?

kath July 14, 2010 05:02 PM

Hmm...I got all 3 varieties of the "blight resistant" tomatoes and have just begun to pick fruit from Smarty as they are turning red and we're getting too much rain. The shape is just like the ones in FILMNET's photos above. The Smarty plant is indeterminate, however, and the Plum Regal is determinate with much bigger fruits, which are have a similar shape to the Smarty fruit. The Smarty fruits I've picked have weighed between 0.4 to 0.6 oz. and seem much larger than the grape tomatoes I've seen in the store, but I've never grown a grape type before for comparison. Sorry I can't post pics.

FILMNET July 14, 2010 05:57 PM

I have never grow these or grape cherry's also.So I don.t know what happened? mine look like Plum Regal F1 though?

carolyn137 July 14, 2010 06:07 PM

[quote=FILMNET;176755]I have never grow these or grape cherry's also.So I don.t know what happened? mine look like Plum Regal F1 though?[/quote]


Here are some pictures of Smarty F1 and I'm the one who has to apologize deeply b'c in my heat rotted brain I was thinking the small red pears when indeed I should have been thinking grape shape, which you show Film and which indeed I got.

I think you said you got just 3 seeds of Smarty F1, and on the pack I said to sow 3 to help ensure you got one plant b'c I didn't know what the germination rate was, but I sent out 6-7 seeds of each of the NCSU ones to each person.

So I apologize again for thinking pear when I should have been knowing grape.

And again. I'll be setting up those threads in the Discussion Forum in a few weeks when perhapsmore folks will have ripe ones and can then have a chance to eat them and also, depending on where they are possibly make some comments about disease tolerances for each one which was given in the opening psot in the thread where I offered the seeds.

When I'm perfect at everything I do I'll let all of you know.;)

FILMNET July 14, 2010 07:00 PM

No problem at all. thank you!!!!

kath July 14, 2010 08:04 PM

[QUOTE=FILMNET;176755] ...mine look like Plum Regal F1 though?[/QUOTE]

No, yours look like the ones posted on the internet of Smarty F1 and so do mine. :)
I think your plant is a compact indeterminate rather than a determinate plant, though.

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