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ContainerTed July 14, 2010 07:08 PM

Muddy Bucket Farm - Mid July update
15 Attachment(s)
Here's some pixs from Mid July.

Went Blackberry picking today and found a few. Actually, there was a 50 foot "wall" of vines like the left picture. The pictures don't show the ripe ones very well. However, I think I smell some jam cooking right now.

This is the last of the bean harvest. We put away about 5 bushels all together and gave away about 3 bushels.

Looking forward to tasting this little fella.

Got 11 zukes and then nobody wants any more, so I pulled them out. That jalapeno is now seeds for next year.

Getting lots of Okra. The plants are loaded.

Chello and my 3 Sun Golds are keeping the salads and the garden munching interesting.

Lots of bigger tomatoes coming in now. Here's some I picked today. Most need some time on the counter. Haven't tasted a bad tomato yet this year. The batteries on the digital scale are dead, so I'm using my Metric Scale (you know - Kilograms).
Here's Arbuznyi, Cowlicks, Golden Cherokee, and two Toedebush Pinks.

The harvest is really ramping up and that means I'm out of my mind busy with the garden. Have already canned 6 quarts and a pint of tomato juice and will have to do more in the next couple of days.

Have started seed saving and this will consume lots of time as well.

Take care

A happy, but Getting Tired,

Timmah! July 14, 2010 07:33 PM

Looks awesome, Ted. Good to see you enjoying the fruits of your labor. (:

Sherry_AK July 15, 2010 12:35 AM

I do wish we could grow blackberries here. I just love them.

I'm growing Arbuznyi for the first time this year. Of course mine are nowhere near ripe. Have you grown it before?

By the way, the Agatha and Sibirskiy Skorospelyi you sent me are doing very well. Both have lots of green fruit and the plants are nice and healthy-looking. Can't wait to try them! Thanks again for the seeds.


ContainerTed July 15, 2010 08:53 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Glad to hear good words about the seeds. I have 7 Sib/Skor plants in the main garden and about half a dozen more with relatives. All are beginning to deliver fruit to the table. I didn't plant Agatha this year, but it is on next year's list already.

This is my first year for Arbuznyi. BTW, I picked 3 more just like the one in the above pix last night. It has a great taste (first one), but will hold off my opinion until I taste a few more. The plant is loaded with green ones.

Going Blackberry picking again this morning. Here's a pix of some of the tomato harvest so far. The gallon Mayfield ice cream bucket on the left is 2/3's full of Okra. You can see the Arbuznyi's, Black & Red Boar's, the smaller Khurma (yellows on the left), Indian Stripes, and more. The white tub in the rear is almost full of Sib/Skor, Marglobe, and some other small/medium red ones that will become juice.

Not pictured are 2 gallons of Chello toms and about a gallon of Sun Gold.



remy July 15, 2010 09:44 PM

Ted, You sure have been busy. Everything looks wonderful.

matertoo July 15, 2010 10:14 PM

Ted,You're doing a great job. Keep up the good work.

Happy Matering,


geeboss July 16, 2010 10:05 PM

Everything looking great Ted need another shot of the garden in full summer flush!

So are you tasting a difference in field grown maters vs container grown? BTW the Demidov was great before getting hit by disease....have saved seeds for next year.


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