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bluelytes September 21, 2011 10:41 PM

Yellow Zebra?
Clearly, I mislabeled this as Green Zebra:

But clearly its NOT green, but I think I see some stripes, or is it just me?



carolyn137 September 22, 2011 02:13 AM

You posted the same picture at idig and I answered you there and gave you two links, one to Tania's site and one to tradewinds site and saying that the picture at Tradewinds was identical to what you show.

I then asked you several questions about this Yellow Zebra which is from Brad Gates, and if you want to cut and paste what I wrote in that post please feel free to go ahead and do that since it's 2 AM and I don't want to go back and get the links again b/c I want to go back to bed.:lol:

bluelytes September 22, 2011 11:26 AM

TYVM for the information.


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