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lakelady September 24, 2011 10:49 AM

Free Plastic Pots for Seedlings
I got a milk crate full of small (4"-8") plastic pots this week at my local garden center. Apparently they have a recycling program where gardeners can return the empty pots once they transplant. I was actually planning to buy some, but now I don't have to. Just thought I'd share this info as there might be other garden centers near all of you that do the same, and it's a great way to recycle, and get free pots for seedlings.

maf September 24, 2011 04:55 PM

That is great that the garden centre would do that. I suspect that my local garden centres would rather throw the old pots in the trash so that customers had to buy overpriced new ones.

hardwaterbob September 24, 2011 05:54 PM

other sources for growing cont
My church is planning to have a plant sale in the spring. While I was at a Meijer Store I spotted a cart full of returned pots and plastic trays that were going to be recycled. I explained the spring plant sale to the rgarden employee and he told me to help myself to any of the stuff on the cart. Here is another source for pots and trays for seed starting. Just ask at the garden centers at any big box store and I'm sure they will let you take them.



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