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lakelady January 21, 2012 05:43 PM

Marash Pepper
Does anyone know what this is? I frequently buy it at a farmers market here and it is sold in baggies, in flake form. I LOVE this stuff! It's a pimento type pepper I'm told, from Turkey, and it has a hot-sweet flavor. Use it in everything, chili, rice, any tomato dishes, on meats. It has a very unique flavor and I was wondering if it is a type of pepper I can grow myself.

I havent found much online except vendors selling it. I'd love to grow some and dry them if I can.

puttgirl January 22, 2012 06:27 PM

Seems that the closest I can find is Aleppo pepper and that is supposed to be hard to find, also. I remember a thread about that on gardenweb. It sounds as if it could actually be various varieties that grow in that area of Turkey. Aleppo is a Syrian pepper that is supposed to be somewhat similar. I'd like to find it, too.

fortyonenorth January 22, 2012 08:22 PM

The Chilewoman lists Aleppo [url][/url]
but I don't know of any source for seeds for Aleppo or Marash. There's no listing in the SSE database for Marash.

lurley January 22, 2012 09:45 PM

I think it may be pronounced the way you spell it but I have always looked for it as maras and another one is urfa, I haven't found any seeds yet but I keep looking.

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lakelady January 23, 2012 10:30 AM

I have a bit of yesterday I dumped the entire 8 oz jar I have into a bowl and went fishing. I found ONE seed. Normally there are none, so although it is stained a reddish color, if it hasn't been treated in any way, perhaps i can germinate it? Well, I'm at least going to try.

If you've never tried these, the beauty is that while if you use enough of it, it does have a hot bite, it's relatively mild and sweet but adds a totally unique flavor to everything. Had it this morning in my ho-hum usual scrambled eggs. yum!

I also have the Aleppo Pepper, but they do taste quite different to me. Aleppo is sharper, while the Marash is sweeter.

puttgirl January 23, 2012 02:26 PM

If you have any luck starting them, save some seeds for me, lol! Good luck!

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