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FiguredOut February 3, 2012 12:03 AM

Growing Pictures
Tomorrow marks the 21st day from when I planted. They seem to be doing great. They are an Amish Paste tomato. Soaked in distilled water for two days and germinated in conditioned rock wool. At 7 days old they were transplanted into DWC pots filled with a coco coir substrate. Nothing but organic products thus far.




kath February 3, 2012 10:18 AM

A very pretty and healthy looking seedling- thanks for posting your pics.

Using Jiffy 7's for the first time, I planted 8 early tomatoes and 1 pepper variety on Feb. 1 and am waiting for the first sprout...:wait:

lakelady February 3, 2012 08:20 PM

do you think distilled water is better than well water? I guess I have a lot of minerals in my water (well), not sure if it is good or bad. Pretty looking seedlings!

I've been doing stages of sowing...a few earlies and some peppers which have not germinated at all yet. Only been about a week on the peppers, so I keep waiting. :)

FiguredOut February 4, 2012 12:32 AM

Distilled water is the way to go. Every time I water I mix up a cocktail which consists of six different ingredients; I can be certain that my product hasn't deviated much in terms of pH and EC (fertilizers & root enzymes). This would not be the case if I were to use my tap water. Tap water frequently has salts, sulfur, chlorine and iron in it. However, you can put tap water in a bucket or a dish and let it sit for a day and many of these ions leave.

amideutch February 4, 2012 06:59 AM

Antoniette, you should have a test done on your well water before you run down and buy distilled water. You will probably find out your well water is a lot better for you and your plants than your tap water.
Concerning EC/PH this is what concerns Hydroponic growers the most and they too must analyze their water so they can adjust their nutrient formulas to compensate for what is already in the water. If they use Distilled or R/O water they don't need to know what's in the water because there is nothing except H2O.
FiguredOut, what are your six different ingredients? Ami

FiguredOut February 4, 2012 11:35 AM

1 gallon of DI gets: liquid karma, Cal Mg, beneficial bacteria, mycorrhizae, vegetative fertilizer, and some bloom fertilizer.

FiguredOut February 4, 2012 12:15 PM

22 days old picture update








Added more mix around the hypocotyl in hopes of generating some more root growth. The true leafs are doing very well. The bottom picture is a hydroponic setup experiment I have running.That plant is 10 days old. Also, I germinate my seeds in rock wool blocks. They are super easy and very clean.

FiguredOut February 6, 2012 09:03 PM


Not too sure what I'm going to do with all these tomatoes..

kath February 6, 2012 10:42 PM

I'm sure you'll get that figuredout- ;) Sorry, couldn't resist.

afrance30 February 11, 2012 12:40 PM

Awesome setup! I'm dying waiting to get everything planted. I have peppers planted that just sprouted and a few other things. No toms yet, I start some of those this weekend.

FiguredOut February 16, 2012 05:01 PM

29 days old pictures




casino February 25, 2012 09:01 PM

Nice seedlings, and I use those identical pots for my orchid plants.

FiguredOut March 27, 2012 10:09 PM

Hydroponic tomatoes are getting very large. Note picture above of previous sizes.



Sun City Linda March 28, 2012 01:17 AM

Tomato seedlings are like kids. So cute when they are little but they start to take a LOT more room, time and effort as they get older......:cute:

janezee March 28, 2012 03:47 AM

And they get pimply and homely. ;-)

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