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vagardener434 February 12, 2012 08:47 PM

My Newest Greenhouse
3 Attachment(s)
I finished building my first one, 18 x 40, in Nov '10. I recently finsihed the second one, 21 x 68, which is attached to the first one via a 4 foot connecting room. They are both homemade designs.

The 3rd pic is what it looked like a couple weeks ago.

salix February 12, 2012 09:01 PM

Wow, just ... wow! Hope it serves you very well, I am green with envy.

mdvpc February 12, 2012 09:03 PM

Nice-pls post photos of the growout.

dokutaaguriin February 12, 2012 09:07 PM

Very nice set-up. The growing possibilities are endless in something that large!


GaryStPaul February 12, 2012 11:30 PM

Spectacular. Could you tell the size and origin of the white grow bags you're using? Thanks.

kath February 12, 2012 11:39 PM

It's nice to see you posting again! Your greenhouses are just amazing!


jennifer28 February 13, 2012 05:49 AM

Gorgeous. What are you using for a heat supply?

vagardener434 February 13, 2012 10:31 AM

Thanks guys.

Gary, I've been buying online from discount-hydro, but theres a ton of places that sell them. It helps to order a decent amount, to even out the shipping costs.

Kath, I'm off from last years schedule by about 30 days...I haven't forgotten you. :-)

Jenn, I have 2 double barrel stove setups, one on each end..... I used plenty of wood last year with one stove. I just started this new GH up the first of January, with the second stove. You can imagine how much wood I'm using now. Fortunately, it hasn't been a cold winter. I'll need to do a better job on my wood supply for next winter. :-)

GaryStPaul February 13, 2012 04:51 PM

You're using the 10 gal size from discount-hydro? They're described as "short-term" and "disposable." You use them for one growing season only, then?

vagardener434 February 13, 2012 05:25 PM

I'm using the 5 gal. Not sure about the "disposable" part. I've used some of them multiple times. As long as you don't pick them up by grabbing the top of the bag, they seem to do just fine.

roper2008 February 13, 2012 08:05 PM

[QUOTE=vagardener434;255093]I'm using the 5 gal. Not sure about the "disposable" part. I've used some of them multiple times. As long as you don't pick them up by grabbing the top of the bag, they seem to do just fine.[/QUOTE]

I bought my grow bags from discount hydrophonics also. I wanted white one's
because my tomatoes are in full sun all day long.

vagardener434 February 19, 2012 02:46 PM

1 Attachment(s)
This is the completed setup, with the addition built on the end that has my barrel stove and firewood for heating. I'll post some update pics of whats growing in there shortly. It filled up pretty fast.

vagardener434 February 19, 2012 04:40 PM

This is what is looks like inside now. Not too bad for February.


Dutch February 19, 2012 04:43 PM

[COLOR=black][FONT=Verdana]That is a beautiful setup. It appears to be a job well done. Congratulations.[/FONT][/COLOR]

vagardener434 February 20, 2012 10:27 AM

A few closeup pics from some individual plants, Big Beef, Big Mama Paste, Jersey Wakefield cabbage, and Diva cukes. I've grown Diva a few times and its hard to beat in a GH. The Big Beef look good, just not quite as pretty as what Carolyn Phillips had.

The video tour is right here.. [URL][/URL]





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