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janezee February 17, 2012 03:43 PM

Sometimes useful pepper list
While looking for information on the peppers I recently received (thank you all), I found this site that is not user-friendly because there are no links on the pages, but if you change the letter of the page you want in the address, you can access information on [I]lots[/I] of peppers. Some are very detailed, others, not so much.


This is the page for the "F" peppers. To change, just erase and insert the initial that you need.

Interesting just to browse.

Petronius_II February 17, 2012 05:55 PM

There are links to some various seed [I]suppliers[/I] on the page. But yeah, not to other pages on the same site.

Some info could be better written. For example, this of the NuMex Barker's Hot:

The hottest of all NuMex varieties. Peppers grow to 18 cm long. [/QUOTE]

...Hottest of all NuMex varieties [I]of the regular New Mexico pod type,[/I] that is. The various NuMex pequin pod type peppers are almost all considerably hotter.

All in all, some potentially useful pages, though.

janezee February 18, 2012 02:52 AM

Well, it did say that the last time he updated one page I was on sometime in 2009. His interests lay in short wave radio these days, and this resource is languishing. A shame. :bummer:

guruofgardens February 19, 2012 12:29 PM

Here's the first page with all of the navigation keys.


janezee February 19, 2012 03:06 PM

Thanks! That's much better!


guruofgardens February 19, 2012 04:11 PM

You're welcome. It helps to read about many of the peppers, though as you say, there are many that need a little help!

Do you know of any other places with more pepper description?

Petronius_II February 19, 2012 06:54 PM

Several of Dave Witt's books contain descriptions of quite a few varieties, and may be available at your local library?

There's also, of course, the cultivar finder pages at Dave's Garden:


janezee February 21, 2012 01:21 AM

There's a list of sites here:

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