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willyb March 7, 2012 07:25 PM

Scotch Bonnet Pepper seeds
I would like to have some Scotch Bonnet Pepper seeds to grow here in Canada this year.

Can any one supply? Or provide me with a source? I would gladly trade some of my 60 or so heirloom tomato seeds.

Looking for the true Scotch Bonnet from Jamaica or Barbados that mature orange or red and have the typical hat shape, not the one's several seed co offer that are yellow and crossed with bell and have habanero genes.



puttgirl March 7, 2012 11:03 PM

I'd offer to split some someone sent me in a trade, but since I haven't grown them out yet, I'm not sure what color they are.

willyb March 8, 2012 05:05 AM


Thanks for your generous offer to share your seeds with me.

I found the line I was looking for tonight at Whatcom seeds in WA "The seed rack" and will go with them. The red Caribbean Scotch Bonnet is the only pepper I use anymore to make hot sauce. In my opinion, the best tasting pepper out there if you can stand the heat.


Jeannine Anne March 9, 2012 01:39 AM

I have some, send me your addy XX Jeannine

willyb March 9, 2012 05:54 PM

[QUOTE=Jeannine Anne;260231]I have some, send me your addy XX Jeannine[/QUOTE]
Thanks Jeannine, I have sent you a PM


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