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marc_groleau March 24, 2012 01:47 PM

DIY Grow Light Support
I'm getting ready for seed starting next weekend. I was dusting off the grow light hanger I've been using for a couple of years. It's been working great! I grow under these lights for about a month and then it's time to move the plants to the small green house. It covers 5 trays with about 80 seedlings in each. 450 plants in a 2x4 area. The lights are raised and lowered by seclecting different links in the chains.


Pigzzilla March 24, 2012 06:00 PM

This looks like something I could build. What are the dimensions, please. Do you use 4 or 5 sets of lights? Do you glue the PVC or just push it together? Thanks..................pigz

Pigzzilla March 24, 2012 06:14 PM

OOPS, I just now realized that you bolted them together. ...pigz

janezee March 24, 2012 06:30 PM

Very cool, marc. Is that 1" pvc?


marc_groleau March 24, 2012 08:32 PM

It's 1 1/4" PVC. It is neither bolted no glued. I just pushed it together and then I used self tapping screws at each joint so that if need be I could disassemble. I've not needed to disassemble and have stored it as you see it. It is 24" tall, 31" wide and 35" long. I built it for 5 fixtures across but 4 fixtures seem to be all that are needed.
I hadn't notice before, but I now see my sh#*t kickers in the photo. How many of you all have a pair?

janezee March 24, 2012 10:09 PM

I haven't heard the phrase since I left New Engand 20 years ago, but I surely used to own a pair. Got rid of them in favor of webbed feet when I moved to Seattle.;)

lakelady March 25, 2012 12:05 AM

really nice setup, and something simple enough for me to do too :). Thanks for sharing the pics.

Oh and I've got plenty of old sneakers I use around the garden and yard myself, prolly time to get rid of a few since the collection keeps growing lol (just hate to get rid of something I can use again!).

marc_groleau March 26, 2012 07:57 PM

You're welcome. I hoped it might help somebody or spark better ideas.

farmerjohn March 27, 2012 04:11 PM

Thanks, it didn't help. I use a commercial "full spectrum" grow light that stays on at least 12 hours a day and the rest of the time the room they're in is "night" black.

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