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GManess February 8, 2006 01:38 PM

Herb Seeds for trade
I grow mostly culinary herbs and I have the following for trade for other herbs, tomatoes, or peppers (or about anything else). All of these seeds are from reputable commercial seed stock and all (to the best of my knowledge) are heirloom seed. I do not grow from seed or trade for seeds of herbs that do not come back true (Mints, ect.) or take years to grow out (Rosemary, ect), I buy plants instead. If you see anything you can use drop me a PM or an e-mail and we can go from there. Thanks, Gary

Anise - Pimpinella anisum
Anise Hyssop/Lavender Hyssop - Agastache foeniculum
Arugula - Eruca vesicaria sativa
Arugula, Wild - Diplotaxis erucoides
Basil - Osimum Basilicum
Fino Verde -
Genovese -
Italian Large Leaf -
Napoletano Bolloso -
Spicy Bush -
Thai -
Violet Aromatic -
Bergamot -
Dotted - Monarda Punctata aka American Horsemint, Dotted Bee Balm
Lemon - Monarda citriodora aka Lemon Bee Balm, Lemon Mint
Wild - Monarda fistulosa aka Eastern Bee Balm, Horsemint, Oswego Tea
Black Cumin - Nigella sativa
Calendula - Calendula officinalis
Caraway - Carum Carvi
Cardoon - Cynara cardunculus
Catnip - Nepta Cataria
Chamomile, Roman - Matricaria recutita
Chervil, Flat Leaf - Anthriscus Cerefolium
Chives, Common - Allium schoenoprasum
Chives, Garlic - Allium tuberosum
Coriander/Cilantro- Coriandrum sativum
Common -
Santo -
Coriander, Mexican - Eryngium foetidum aka Culantro
Corn Salad - Valerianella olitoria (locusta)
Cress -
Common - Lepidium sativum
Curled Garden - Lepidium sativum ‘Crispum’
Upland - Barbarea verna
Cumin - Cuminum cyminum
Cutting Celery - Apium graveolens Secalinum
Dill - Anethum graveolens
Bouquet -
Mammoth -
Tetra/Dukat -
Epazote/Wormseed - Chenopodium Ambrosiodes
Fennel - Foeniculum vulgare
Florence/Finocchio, Di Firenze - var. azoricum
Sweet - var. dulce
Fenugreek - Trigonella foenum-graecum
Hoary Mountain Mint - Pycanthemum incanum
Hyssop - Hyssopus officinalis
Kantikari - Solanum xanthocarpum (S. surattence)
Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis
Lemon Mint - see Begamot, Lemon
Licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra
Lovage - Levisticum officinale
Mustard, Yellow/White - Sinapsis alba
Nasturtium, Dwarf Single Mix - Tropaeolum majus
Onion, Bunching/Welch - Allium fistulous
Oregano, True Greek - Origanum vulgare hirtum
Parsley, Italian Flat Leaf - Petroselinum crispum var. neapolitanum
Thyme -
Creeping/Mother - Thymus praecox(serpyllum)
Broad Leaf/Winter - Thymus vulgaris
Savory -
Summer - Satureja hortensis
Winter - Satureja Montana
Stevia - Stevia rebaudiana aka Sugar Bush
Wintergreen - Gaultheria procumbens

jgaleota May 10, 2011 12:22 PM

Do you find Bergamot to be invasive? Thanks.

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