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sprtsguy76 May 4, 2012 12:30 AM

Favorite peppers, sweets and or hots
My experience is very limitedd with peppers but for sweet peppers I like taste of Jimmy N and Big Early Hybrid Bell. I like hot but not extremely hot, so I love the heat and taste of any kind of serrano and jalapeno. Another recent favorite of mine is the Ancho San Martin, kind of a mild heat but very good flavor.


FILMNET May 4, 2012 06:41 AM

Marko sent me Slovenia pepper seeds 2 years ago, they were hybrids and truly wonderful Elephant ears. Very long Red thick skin, very sweet, very beautiful.

roper2008 May 4, 2012 07:25 AM

My favorite is also Jimmy Nardello, next would be Carmen F1. For hot it would be
red scotch bonnet, it makes a delicious powder. I'm always trying new peppers, but
so far these are my favorites.

livinonfaith May 4, 2012 08:53 AM

For sweet, Marconi. Big beautiful peppers that are great for everything, from salads to grilling. They do better than the bells for me. No sunscald and the slugs don't like them quite as much for some reason. They do take a bit longer than some of the others, so it's good to have an earlier variety to hold you over.

For hot, a mystery pepper that appeared last year in my sweet Aconcaguas. (Out of four plants, I had three different peppers. Not using that vendor again.) It looks like a large cayenne pepper, 6"-9", and is sweet and hot. I've used them fresh, but mainly dry them and either use them as flakes or powder.

Cyclon is a pretty decent drying pepper, but mine don't have a lot of heat. They're more like a spice pepper.

This year I'm adding Fish peppers, Doorknob peppers and Sweet banana, so hoping those will be good. Also just broke down and picked up a Cajun Belle which is supposed to be a small bell pepper with a mild heat.
Like I don't have enough plants of my own. I have to get more!:dizzy:

Tracydr May 4, 2012 09:10 AM

I'm growing the anaconaguas for the first time, looking forward to trying them. Also, several sweet habanero seasoning type peppers.
I love Anaheim, jalapeño and love the flavor of habanero, although its a little too hot.

kath May 4, 2012 10:11 AM

Don't enjoy hot peppers but my favorite sweets so far are Slonovo Uvo, Palanacko Kudo and Carmen F1. Red Beauty is delicious but bells don't produce very well for me.

FILMNET May 4, 2012 10:22 AM

Kath, WOW I wondered who else got seed from Marko's for those great peppers. I had a few seeds left from 2 years ago, i did ask him if i could save seed from the fruit. He said its a Hybrid and it could grow different, i may have to do this for next year. Have you save any seeds of them? and grow?

FILMNET May 4, 2012 10:31 AM

4 Attachment(s)
My Slonovo peppers last year
and my new baby's inside now for this year

stormymater May 4, 2012 10:50 AM

I love sweet crispy Sheepnose Pimentos! For fresh stuffing they can't be beat! And of course being from the land of real pimento cheese...

Those big sweet red Giant Marconis from TGS are awsome! As are the Giallo de Cuneo - sweet yellow horns.

I love the long thick cayennes for fresh eating & canning w/peach & apricot jam & spiced peaches & hot sauce. They have a mellow sweetness with spice but not as hot as regular cayennes (used the same)- both a mainstay in my garden.

Fish peppers are not only incredibly tasty in a pot of boiled or pickled shrimp - they have variegated foliage & growth habit that makes them utterly lovely deck plants (right along with Lime Green Salad tomato plants).

Slonovo Uno is another sweet favorite.

Hinklehatz peppers are wonderful for hot vinegar for greens & in fruit jams. They are hotter than cayennes so I use them to make hot pepper mustard (known as crack mustard down here).

Mirasols are nice too - about as hot as cayennes but with a fruity aroma more than a taste. They grow pretty w/the pods pointing upwards. Gotta pick when ripe - they can get soft like serranos when real ripe.

Wenk's Yellow Hots are wonderful too - I thought I was getting some in a trade this spring but it didn't come to pass. Next time I'll save seed.

And how can a person grow a garden w/o at least one naughty Peter pepper? I grow them in red, orange & yellow now. They are about the same heat as crushed red pizza pepper & grow rampantly & humorously. Always have several prominently in the yard (this year one will be on the deck too).

Peppers. I love you.

sfmathews May 4, 2012 01:30 PM

I'm with Stormy, I grew Purple Marconi for the first time last year. They did great, though I didn't get much in the brutal heat of summer, but boy, do they make up for it when it cools off. They peppers are beautiful on the plant, blackish-purple before turning red. They do much better than bells for me here in TX as well. I also like Jimmy N and Lemmies Sweet Italian. Stomy I think you sent me a sweet Italian frying pepper, so I've got that one growing out there as well. I am also trying the Golden Marconi this year too.
I love Jalapenos and Serranos. I've also got some habs, Fatalii's, Aji Amarillo and Bishops Crown that I overwintered from last year. And I'm crazy, but also have a Trinidad Scorpion growing. No idea what I will do when they make pods. :twisted:

[QUOTE=livinonfaith;272377]For sweet, Marconi. Big beautiful peppers that are great for everything, from salads to grilling. They do better than the bells for me. No sunscald and the slugs don't like them quite as much for some reason. They do take a bit longer than some of the others, so it's good to have an earlier variety to hold you over.


fortyonenorth May 4, 2012 02:34 PM

[QUOTE=FILMNET;272397]He said its a Hybrid and it could grow different.[/QUOTE]

For some reason, I thought these were OP. This year I sowed the last of the ones I received from Marko. Excellent peppers - raccoons thought so, too. :cute:

kath May 4, 2012 07:19 PM

[QUOTE=FILMNET;272397]Kath, WOW I wondered who else got seed from Marko's for those great peppers. I had a few seeds left from 2 years ago, i did ask him if i could save seed from the fruit. He said its a Hybrid and it could grow different, i may have to do this for next year. Have you save any seeds of them? and grow?[/QUOTE]

Filmnet, you sent me a few last year.:lol: This year I got some more from someone in a trade- not Marko. I grew a Slonovo Uno early in the greenhouse so I could be sure that the seed is pure- I thought they were open-pollinated peppers, too.

fortyonenorth May 4, 2012 09:48 PM

I found Marko's post here: [url][/url]

He seems to imply they are OP, but suggested they "like to cross" - which is true for most peppers.

livinonfaith May 4, 2012 11:37 PM

[QUOTE=FILMNET;272399]My Slonovo peppers last year
and my new baby's inside now for this year[/QUOTE]

Those look really tasty! Just wondering how big they are and how do you like to use them? (I'm seeing them as about three or four inches long and wondering if they would be good stuffed with a cream cheese filling.)

Also, are they early or late?

tjg911 May 5, 2012 12:05 AM

for sweet peppers i like corno di toro and the red marconi peppers. they both get to 5' tall and i put them in a crw cage. also gyspy is a very early pepper tho not reliably able to find it each year so i have started to raise all my peppers from seed now.

for hot i like long red slim cayenne and fatalii. this year trying tabasco and datil.


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