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miatapa June 10, 2012 12:25 PM

What's doing this to my tomatoes?
I'm attaching pictures of two tomatoes that are stunted and have tightly curled leaves around the main stem. Can anyone help me with what this might be? They are planted in the garden in soil I amend yearly with my home-made compost, so it can't be from manure, etc. BTW, the tomato varieties are different - one is a Rutgers and the other a DX-52.

Thanks for any suggestions!

meatburner June 11, 2012 05:48 PM

No pics.

miatapa June 13, 2012 03:20 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Thanks for telling me. First post here and the forum is picky about file size, so I've made them smaller (hopefully attached).

Update, however. I tried soaking the tightly curled leaves a couple of times with insecticidal soap and it appears to have helped, so I assume it was some type of critter . . .

Baizanator June 13, 2012 03:26 PM

Looks like 2-4D drift to me. It's an herbicide used by lawn care folks and farmers. It hurt mine early on this year but they finally came out of it.

Sun City Linda June 13, 2012 03:36 PM

[QUOTE=Baizanator;282738]Looks like 2-4D drift to me. It's an herbicide used by lawn care folks and farmers. It hurt mine early on this year but they finally came out of it.[/QUOTE]

That would be my first thought. Second thought, there is a virus, might be cucumber that can cause the leaf tips to elongate as it looks like a few may be. Cant really tell.

Damage from stray drift is very common. It is unusual when some of my toms DON'T get symtoms and I never use the stuff. :x

RebelRidin June 13, 2012 07:07 PM

Looks ike a herbicide response from here too....

Hope they pull through for you. I have had some before and worked the plants through it via suckers/laterals.

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