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Worth1 July 8, 2012 04:18 PM

Mango Madness Summertime Salsa.
Here we have for your viewing pleasure a concoction that is but a memory.
I call it Mango Madness Summertime Salsa.

You simply take one large softball sized semi ripe mango.
Two medium (I used Costoluto Genovese) tomatoes.
1/2 tsp of cumin.
1 tsp garlic powder.
A dash of salt.
1/4 cup of olive oil.
One habanero pepper.
Two red ripe jalapeno peppers.

Chop up mango tomatoes and peppers.
Put in blender all ingredients and slow pulse till you get a somewhat smooth but yet chunky consistency.

This salsa is sweet yet tart and slightly hot but not too hot
I consumed mine with a Blue Moon Summer Honey Wheat beer.
It turned out just marvelous. :yes:
Boo Boo even likes it.8-)

Here is a picture.



Zana July 8, 2012 08:16 PM that looks fabulous...and delish. I'll have to try that. Thanks for the I may tweak it...adding a bit more heat...or some other ingredients. But I think I've also got another use for it in mind......will have to experiment and report back. But I'm leaning on tweaking it towards a dessert like use....or a definitely different appetiser. LOL Hmmmmmmmm....lots to ponder here.

Thanks Worth!


Mojave July 8, 2012 08:42 PM

Yum, looks good Worth! I may give it a try, with an extra habo thrown in. :D

kurt July 8, 2012 08:43 PM

[QUOTE=Worth1;289375]Here we have for your viewing pleasure a concoction that is but a memory.
I call it Mango Madness Summertime Salsa.

You simply take one large softball sized semi ripe mango.
Two medium (I used Costoluto Genovese) tomatoes.
1/2 tsp of cumin.
1 tsp garlic powder.
A dash of salt.
1/4 cup of olive oil.
One habanero pepper.
Two red ripe jalapeno peppers.

Chop up mango tomatoes and peppers.
Put in blender all ingredients and slow pulse till you get a somewhat smooth but yet chunky consistency.

This salsa is sweet yet tart and slightly hot but not too hot
I consumed mine with a Blue Moon Summer Honey Wheat beer.
It turned out just marvelous. :yes:
Boo Boo even likes it.8-)

Here is a picture.


If and when you guys might be jetting in you Lears come on down to Fairchild Tropical Gardens this coming weekend for the International Mango Festival in Miami.They have a tasting room with abought 200 plus cultivars.And yes about 15-20 different salsas to try.

Mudman July 8, 2012 10:00 PM

Sounds great. Will have to try that and the beer. I really enjoy a Blue Moon and like their winter ale but have not tried the summer one. Thanks for posting.

lakelady July 9, 2012 10:06 PM

looks yummy, thanks for sharing this!

meadowyck July 9, 2012 10:29 PM

That sure does look yummy... thanks for sharing with us.

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