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RobinB July 19, 2012 03:12 AM

I'm in Tomato LOVE!
4 Attachment(s)
This morning I picked my first two Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye fruits. A cluster of five is ripening, but two were ready. I left them on until they were totally ripe. Oh MY! If they taste this good at the beginning, I wonder how they will taste in mid-season?

Pink BTD is going on my "grow every year" list, along with Black & Brown Boar (I got two of those yesterday), and Malachite Box (also picked yesterday). I'm waiting longer on the Malachite Box fruit now. I tried one when it was yellowish and it was okay, but waiting for the amber color... WOW! Doesn't the inside look like a nebula?

I tell you, it's love for sure!

FILMNET July 19, 2012 06:57 AM

2 of my fav. BTD and black/brown boar, i cant wait for Trentons Tiger and Solar Fame. Amazon Chocolate i also new for me i have a plant with 12 fruits and 30 other flowers from this . Enjoy, also you grow Brads Black Heart if you like PBTD

Baizanator July 19, 2012 09:19 AM

[QUOTE=RobinB;292922]This morning I picked my first two Pink Berkeley Tie-Dye fruits. A cluster of five is ripening, but two were ready. I left them on until they were totally ripe. Oh MY! If they taste this good at the beginning, I wonder how they will taste in mid-season?

Pink BTD is going on my "grow every year" list, along with Black & Brown Boar (I got two of those yesterday), and Malachite Box (also picked yesterday). I'm waiting longer on the Malachite Box fruit now. I tried one when it was yellowish and it was okay, but waiting for the amber color... WOW! Doesn't the inside look like a nebula?

I tell you, it's love for sure![/QUOTE]

If you're in Reno I guess you have experience with varieties in heat similar to central Texas. How has yield been on these varieties this year? I'm am planning on planting BTD, B&BBoar and Malachite Box.

RobinB July 19, 2012 03:48 PM

Well, while I'm not sure that our heat in a "normal" year is similar, this year has been hotter than usual. Here in Reno, our Summers are usually in the low to mid-90s, with a couple of weeks in August in the low 100s. That said, this Summer has been hot and we've already spent a week cooking in the 100s. This week has been really pleasant and in the low to mid-80s! Today is cool and stormy, and the high has only been 75°.

On to the maters. I don't know about Berkeley Tie-Dye, just the Pink BTD. The original BTD is 80+ day tomato, and I usually can't grow the late season plants here. Pink BTD did NOT like the heat. It dropped blossoms and is just now getting back to blooming again. Many are still dropping off. Hopefully, when the remaining 3 in the cluster that I picked from are picked, the plant can put its energy into producing more tomatoes. Pink BTD has not produced a lot of tomatoes for me either in this year in my garden. YMMV. It tasted SO good that I'm going to give it another try (or even two) in another more "normal" year, I think it would do well here.

Malachite Box and B&B Boar, are both real winners. They did not notice the heat, and kept setting fruit. They are both large plants and produce lots of tomatoes, AND they both look and taste great.

Baizanator July 19, 2012 03:51 PM

Good to hear on MB and BBB. I am going to growing them next year so...

FILMNET July 19, 2012 04:06 PM

6 Attachment(s)
My BTD from last 2 years this year very late and small fruits terrible year again nothing to growing large. I even have 6 small fruits on Stump of the World which should be huge over 1 lb easy, come on guy pick it up!!!!

RobinB July 19, 2012 05:35 PM

Yes, that's exactly why I probably won't try BTD. The Pink, however will grow here easily. Some years we barely have 90 days in which to grow warm-weather crops. Now, I try for 75 days or less! Oh I wish I had a greenhouse!

PA_Julia July 19, 2012 06:02 PM

Wow!! Very very beautiful!!!!


gssgarden July 19, 2012 06:28 PM

So unique!


Randall July 19, 2012 08:24 PM

Very nice, Robin! That Malachite Box is a cool looking tomato.

remy July 20, 2012 10:24 PM

Excellent looking tomatoes!

raindrops27 July 20, 2012 10:38 PM


I am growing BTD in my garden and the fruit looks just like your 3rd picture. I hope it taste' as good as it looks.

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