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Tania November 28, 2012 10:33 PM

Just could not wait...
I was going through my pepper seed collection and I got overly excited today (probably smelled too much of the wonderful aroma of these trinidads and Scotch Bonnets... :love:)...

... so I put a few pepper seeds into a wet paper towel, put them into a plastic container and into the oven where I was proofing dough...

... trying to convince myself that I was doing the right thing and not starting them too early :lol:

... they were baccatums and chinenses, so they need longer time...

Anyway, I've done it again - started seeds too early!!! :dizzy::oops:

On top of this, I went to a couple of pepper sites and put 2 orders for 23 additional varieties of peppers. Why? Not sure, as I already had enough in my seed collection for the next few years! Acting irrational again... :panic:

Does this ever happen to you? :)

Redbaron November 28, 2012 10:58 PM

[QUOTE=Tania;312699]I was going through my pepper seed collection and I got overly excited today (probably smelled too much of the wonderful aroma of these trinidads and Scotch Bonnets... :love:)...

... so I put a few pepper seeds into a wet paper towel, put them into a plastic container and into the oven where I was proofing dough...

... trying to convince myself that I was doing the right thing and not starting them too early :lol:

... they were baccatums and chinenses, so they need longer time...

Anyway, I've done it again - started seeds too early!!! :dizzy::oops:

On top of this, I went to a couple of pepper sites and put 2 orders for 23 additional varieties of peppers. Why? Not sure, as I already had enough in my seed collection for the next few years! Acting irrational again... :panic:

Does this ever happen to you? :)[/QUOTE] No it doesn't, but can I invite myself to chili and tacos night at your house?:yes:

Tania November 28, 2012 11:30 PM


No tacos or chili at our house, it would be either 'adjika' nights or indian curry - my parent-in-law hate these as they find the food to be too hot for them :)

Wi-sunflower November 28, 2012 11:30 PM

all the time LOL


Tania November 28, 2012 11:31 PM

Carol, I knew you'd say that :)

May be I got the 'bug' from you???

Redbaron November 29, 2012 12:02 AM


No tacos or chili at our house, it would be either 'adjika' nights or indian curry - my parent-in-law hate these as they find the food to be too hot for them :)[/QUOTE]Close enough;)

Zana November 29, 2012 12:26 AM

Oh I hear the same bell ringing, Tania. Curry or adjika sound good to me. ;)


Heritage November 29, 2012 12:57 AM

Tania, I think you can blame it on the full moon:)

Tania November 29, 2012 01:04 AM

Aha, that makes sense, I have not thought about it!

I think more meditation would be appropriate.

Breathing in - "hot"
Breathing out - "peppers"
Repeat for 10 minutes. Then do the same with "heirloom tomatoes". You'd be amazed how it feels! :lol:

Sun City Linda November 29, 2012 01:26 AM

I never order seeds. I dont even know who Remy is, or Knapps Fresh Veggies, or Victory, SSE, Tania, Heritage..... nope. never ever.:o

Tania November 29, 2012 01:31 AM

Linda, sounds like you are still in denial... :lol:

I just went with the flow... ;) That's the next stage???

Sun City Linda November 29, 2012 01:35 AM

[QUOTE=Tania;312723]Linda, sounds like you are still in denial... :lol:

[B]I just went with the flow... ;) That's the next stage???[/[/B]QUOTE]

Bankruptcy :lol::lol::lol:

Tania November 29, 2012 01:38 AM

no... abundance! :P :lol:

Sun City Linda November 29, 2012 01:45 AM

Then you need to [I]buy more seeds[/I] Tania! I have it on good authority that accute poverty is indeed the next stage:yes: Why I barely have enough money anymore to order seeds once a week!8-)

Tania November 29, 2012 01:48 AM

well, it is only a seasonal hardship... will last only until summer time... :)

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