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Tania November 29, 2012 01:50 PM

Keeping my babies warm...
For the second day we have been having some gas outages, which means no heat or hot water in the house most of the time, so it was down to 11C in the house this morning.

Needless to say, I decided to stay in bed under 3 layers of blankets to keep myself warm.

You'd be laughing now... of course I had to have the box with the sprouting peppers seeds with me under the blankets... on my belly... it only felt natural to do so... As a kid, I remember doing that with geese eggs hoping to get a baby goose hatched...

So when my son called and asked me to check something for him upstairs - that I needed to get myself from under the blankets, I told him I cannot do it, as I need to keep my pepper seeds warm.

He did not understand. Only then I realized how funny it is! :roll:
Or maybe I am totally loosing it...:?: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Redbaron November 29, 2012 01:55 PM

You are loosing it. I am pretty confident of that. Welcome to the world of crazy horticulturist!:yes:

Makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside just knowing there are other people out there almost as crazy as me.:love: Far crazier in respects to varieties of seeds BTW. Probably not as crazy on other things ;)

Tania November 29, 2012 02:03 PM

I was telling my friend about what I was doing... she told me that I also should have been keeping the seed under my tongue for a couple of minutes before I put them into the paper towel. She said she does that all the time, and it works wonderfully. I thought she was crazy! :lol:

Hmmm... I had hard time imagining her keeping these Scotch Bonnet pepper seeds under her tongue... :dizzy: :shock:

Fusion_power November 29, 2012 04:39 PM

Tania, you and I married the wrong people. Fortunately, I am divorced.


Tania November 29, 2012 04:52 PM

Dar, let me strongly disagree. Stan has been so supportive of all my crazy ideas for 25 years, he deserves a medal! :love: :D

It just some of my genetic traits were not passed to the offspring... maybe they'll show up in grandchildren... ;)

Fusion_power November 29, 2012 05:08 PM

Then I will be the first to applaud someone who is so supportive!


Tania November 29, 2012 05:35 PM

I'll let him know he is getting the first round of applause :)

kilroyscarnival November 30, 2012 07:17 AM

Ha! I enjoyed this story, Tania, and am of course hoping your gas heat is back very soon if not by now.

I feel far less silly for putting my pot of lettuce seedings on top of a hamper in my bedroom, as it was one of the few windows getting southern light, during the days when the weather was too windy to put them outside. (Those lettuce plants are my best plants right now, the leaves are getting pretty big.)

Sun City Linda November 30, 2012 06:30 PM

HA HA This is such a funny thread! The first season I discovered T-Ville I went from about 20 kinds of tomato seeds to 200. But I am not at all set up for it, even now. My house is small, no garage even so I had many hundreds of seedlings at all stages pretty much all over my house, under goose neck lamps, on the TV, computer, anywhere warm. When the winter sun came in my bedroom window, I transfered them onto my bed. :yes:

My daughter stopped by one day, unannounced, and thats when I got the name "Tomato Hoarder." Your in good company Tania!;)

Tania November 30, 2012 06:45 PM

Linda, kilroyscarnival - you painted a picture that is very familiar to me and my family :)

The only thing that changed is that now I have more tomatoes and peppers - seeds and seedlings all other the place, and all the warm spots in the house are taken over by jars with kefir or yogurt culturing ... :)

Even with the furnace on, we can only get as far as 16C (60F?) (without getting bankrupt over winter), so any warm spot is accounted for :lol:. My official seedlings room is much colder (low 50s) unless all the seedling lights are on.

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