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COgarden February 11, 2006 04:00 AM

Kellogg's Breakfast and Persimmon---Grow Both?
I'm close to my final list for this years mater patch. I'm wondering if there is enough difference between KB and Persimmon to warrant growing both in a garden with only 20 spots. KB is my favorite of all so far so it has a spot for sure. It was so good last year, I'm hoping it won't let me down this time around.

I love tomatoes with flavors leaning away from the sweet side. So, If you've grown both, or if you've grown Persimmon, what do you think? Grow 'em both or just Kelloggs Breakfast?


carolyn137 February 11, 2006 05:15 AM

I've grown both. I love Kellogg's Breakfast but am not that fond of the taste of Persimmon.

But all the folks in the world cannot tell you what Persimmon will taste like to you, b'c your mileage may vary from others.

So you can grow it and see how you like it and you can also consider some other oranges that might appeal to you b'c they aren't on the sweet side, as you said, and in that regard I'd suggest Tangella and Jaune Flammee as options.

The orange variety most grown before KB appeared was Amana Orange, but I think KB is far superior in taste.


COgarden February 11, 2006 05:26 AM

Carolyn, thanks for your input. It never fails. I come to a tomato forum (only Tomatoville these days) to narrow my choices, and I leave with even more than when I started. Its always good to have some other options of course.

Tastes certainly do vary. For example, we seem to agree on the taste of Kellogg's Breakfast and yet when it comes to flavor alone, my favorite mater is...Silvery Fir Tree!

Tangella and Jaune Flammee, perhaps I'm not finished ordering seed for the season after all!


melody February 11, 2006 08:42 AM

I've grown both, and while both were good tomatoes,the KB is more to my taste too. I've grown it many times, but Persimmon only twice.

Jaune Flammee is more intense tasting than KB. It is a burst of Tomatoey essence in your mouth. It's on my top 5 list.

carolyn137 February 11, 2006 09:51 AM


I forgot a really good orange one that I love, and it's not sweet per your comment about SFT, and that's Earl of Edgecombe.


lumierefrere February 11, 2006 11:26 AM

Is this Persimmon being discussed the same as the Russian Persimmon? Would that be Khurma?


carolyn137 February 11, 2006 11:35 AM

No, Barb, Persimmon and Russian Persimmon are two different vareties with two different origins.

Off hand I don't know the name of Russian Persimmon in Russian.


lumierefrere February 11, 2006 11:57 AM

Has anyone grown this Russian Persimmon then? Andrey probably. Is it sweet or tart?

I don't even know why I'm asking, I can live without it--even if I do have seeds. ;-)


carolyn137 February 11, 2006 01:41 PM

Barb, not having grown Russian Persimmon I can only go by the comments that SSE members state in their listings of it, for it's long been listed in the SSE Yearbook.

The summary comment would be; sweet and delicious.


lumierefrere February 11, 2006 01:49 PM

<stamping foot> Darn! That makes it sounds like I should grow it. I supposed I could crush it into my bicolor row....

PNW_D February 11, 2006 02:09 PM

Received seed for Khurma (Russian Persimmon) from Andrey. A most delicious tomato. Notes from my 2004 grow out indicate: looks just like a Persimmon, later than Golden Delight and much lower production, but taste was excellent, assertive. I would grow again. Not a big plant.

Here a picture (cropped, pre-digital) …..


lumierefrere February 11, 2006 02:12 PM

2 questions.

Would it fit into a container?

How did you get the photo to appear?

grungy February 11, 2006 02:14 PM

Having grown all 3 last year I personally (zone 6 with cool, damp weather last year) would rank them top to bottom in taste last year as Russian Persimmon, Kellogg's Breakfast, and lastly Persimmon. They are all good tomatoes with that
as I put it, anold fashioned tomato taste. Not too sweet but still a balance between acids and sugar. This however is a matter of taste.
And yes I believe that the weather does effect the taste of tomatoes.

lumierefrere February 11, 2006 02:18 PM

Hi Grungy. It was you who gave me that Russian Persimmon and spoke highly of it. See, I remember some things!

But remind me was it the Black Russian or the Russian Black you preferred.

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