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Tania January 17, 2013 12:49 AM

Pepper classification
I found this paper online - it describes all the different types of peppers, and I found it very useful.


rockhound January 17, 2013 04:23 AM

Thanks. It is very useful, as far as it goes. I didn't see any mention of anything hotter than habanero. There's quite a few now of the habanero crosses coming out of India, like "Ghost" peppers. I find them too hot to eat and little flavor but great to dry and use in the garden to repel mammals large and small.

Tracydr January 17, 2013 09:54 AM

Thanks! Looks good. I saved it on my library and will read it on my lunch hour next week at work when I don't have Internet connection.

Crandrew January 17, 2013 10:35 AM

Great read. I learned a lot, thanks!

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