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babice March 30, 2013 03:55 PM

Gardening in Babice's neck of the woods 2013
4 Attachment(s)
I'm borrowing Crandrew's idea and starting a thread to document some of my 2013 Garden capers, thrills and spills. Today I walked around a took some photos. Crocus are just shooting up out in the yard. Strawberry leaves showed up last week (look at that strawberry pic and tell me if you think that looks healthy...maybe I should spray it with something?). Few other things coming up like chives but not much else yet. I'm going to start some tomato seeds indoors this weekend. Probably lettuce etc., as well. I've got to get myself organized and decide what exactly I plan. I'll chronicle it here.

Quite a daunting job ahead of me getting my deck and the side bed cleaned up. :dizzy:

RayR March 30, 2013 05:50 PM

Your strawberries look fine, just clean out the dead leaves. Mine look the same after the long winter.

RobinB March 30, 2013 06:03 PM

Aaah. Looking good! A possibility is one of my favorite things.

My strawberry bed looks just like that and needs to be cleaned out too. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so maybe it will be easier to do when the ground is wet?

babice March 30, 2013 06:28 PM

[QUOTE=RobinB;337411]Aaah. Looking good! A possibility is one of my favorite things.

My strawberry bed looks just like that and needs to be cleaned out too. It's supposed to rain tomorrow, so maybe it will be easier to do when the ground is wet?[/QUOTE]

I wish this was a strawberry "bed"! It's one plant I put into a large container last year. I didn't let it fruit last year so I'm anxiously hoping I can get some for the first time this year.

babice April 8, 2013 05:06 PM

Nuttin' to really report yet. I've got toms, bell peppers, various herbs and flowers growing inside. Nice weather lately but supposed to get cold here again (in the 30's overnight). I haven't grown bell peppers before. It will be a new experience. From what I've read, I think they're similar to growing toms? I am thinking of starting some lettuce outside since it's going to stay cold for a while. Never grown that before either, believe it or not.

whistech April 8, 2013 05:57 PM

Beautiful flowers!

RobinB April 8, 2013 06:28 PM

In my limited pepper experience, they seemed happier with a bit more shade, especially in the middle of the day when the heat of the Summer comes, than the maters. I had some success last year growing them between/under my tomatoes.

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