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remy July 18, 2013 12:06 AM

Nothing too exciting...
6 Attachment(s)
But tomato people will always appreciate pics of green tomatoes:lol:.

Micro Tom. I actually have some changing color now, but I haven't taken a new pic.

My first tomatoes, Sungold

Sungold plant on the deck in a large pot. This is more fancy than how I do most of the tomatoes.

Santa Maria

JD's Special C-Tex

Part of the dwarf tomato pot garden taken awhile ago. Like the Micro Tom I need to take new pics.

Dak July 18, 2013 01:19 AM

Your pictures look so vibrant, great looking plants!

Crandrew July 18, 2013 10:27 AM

itty bitty baby micro tom. I've been meaning to get one for my office.

BucksCountyGirl July 18, 2013 02:23 PM

Lots of greenies! You'll have more than you know what to do with soon, I'm sure ;)

remy July 22, 2013 11:49 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Thanks Dak.
Crandrew, Micro Tom is always a conversation piece.
BucksCountyGirl, Yes, there are green ones everywhere!
Here's a pic of the main tomato garden entrance.

And not a tomato, but looks pretty, Fish Pepper plants.

efisakov July 30, 2013 01:53 PM

[QUOTE=remy;365683]Thanks Dak.
Crandrew, Micro Tom is always a conversation piece.
BucksCountyGirl, Yes, there are green ones everywhere!
Here's a pic of the main tomato garden entrance.

And not a tomato, but looks pretty, Fish Pepper plants.

It does looks pretty. Now you have to post pictures of the peppers.:yes:

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