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Labradors2 June 20, 2014 11:27 AM

CMV on Tommy Toe?
4 Attachment(s)
This is a big healthy-looking plant, except that two of the side-shoots have developed stunted and deformed leaves as shown. The last picture is one of the whole plant which looks pretty healthy overall......

I've tried to search online and found some links here. Is this the dreaded Cucumber Mosaic Virus?

I really don't think this is due to chemicals since we don't use any, and our neighbours are not close. Tommy Toe is flanked by other tomato plants who all look healthy.

Thanks for any help with this. I'm biting my fingernails with worry! :panic:


Heritage June 20, 2014 06:20 PM

Hi Linda,

It doesn't quite look like CMV to me. Is it mainly on the older leaves or on new growth as well? Google "Edema tomato photos" and see if the symptoms fit, especially callousing on the underside of the leaves.

Good luck!

Labradors2 June 20, 2014 06:43 PM

[QUOTE=Heritage;418737]Hi Linda,

It doesn't quite look like CMV to me. Is it mainly on the older leaves or on new growth as well? Google "Edema tomato photos" and see if the symptoms fit, especially callousing on the underside of the leaves.

Good luck!

Hi Steve,

Thanks for replying!

I went in with rubber gloves and cut out the deformed leaves. There was one whole 12" sucker where all the leaves were deformed, and there were a few deformed lower leaves on the rest of the plant which were not necessarily the older leaves.

Since I put the leaves in the trash, I just went out and investigated and there is no callousing on the underside of the leaves. I think they are just deformed rather than swollen, and I wonder about "little leaf syndrome" which is, apparently, very similar to Cucumber Mosaic Virus.


Heritage June 20, 2014 07:34 PM

[QUOTE=Labradors2;418744]Hi Steve,

Thanks for replying!

I went in with rubber gloves and cut out the deformed leaves. There was one whole 12" sucker where all the leaves were deformed, and there were a few deformed lower leaves on the rest of the plant which were not necessarily the older leaves.

Since I put the leaves in the trash, I just went out and investigated and there is no callousing on the underside of the leaves. I think they are just deformed rather than swollen, and I wonder about "little leaf syndrome" which is, apparently, very similar to Cucumber Mosaic Virus.


Linda, that is an interesting condition :) I have never seen "little leaf syndrome" but, from the online description, I would expect to see more interveinal chlorosis than what I see in your photos. With all of the leaves on one sucker deformed I would suspect (as you did) a virus infection. However, without seeing symptoms on the rest of the plant, I wouldn't pull the plant just yet. Insects (aphids, mites, thrips) feeding on the new growth could also cause the distortion you show.

I hope someone else chimes in with more info... for now, if it were me, I would keep a close eye on the plant and keep using the prophylactic methods you are using now. (wearing gloves and handling that plant last in line). Please post again if you see any more symptoms on that, or any other, plant.


Labradors2 June 20, 2014 08:12 PM

Thanks Steve,

I'll be sure to keep a close watch on the plant, and I'll report back if there are any changes to Tommy Toe, or if the same problem shows up on any of the other 22 plants that are growing in that veggie garden.

I really hope that the problem will go away......


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