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wormgirl May 13, 2015 09:08 PM

Does this plant have a virus?
3 Attachment(s)
I have this Sunsugar plant that is not doing well like my other plants that were in the same conditions - on my back porch waiting for plantout. The growth is very distorted as you can see in the pictures.

It was purchased as a 1 gallon plant but has not grown like the others have. It's been in a 3.3 gallon pot for a month and has not grown very much in height at all (the others got monsterous). The new growth is less distorted, but some of it still doesn't look right. It does have a number of flower trusses, but no fruit is setting.

Could this be a virus? Should I get rid of this plant?

Let me know if you need more info on its conditions.

Al@NC May 15, 2015 12:01 AM

Sounds like it could be in a bit of transplant shock, I can't see the leaves that well, can you post a couple of up close pics of the worst looking leaves?


wormgirl May 15, 2015 12:03 AM

You are absolutely right, it is that brand of plant. It's been transplanted more than a month - got done same time as the Black Krim and you saw that, right? I thought maybe it was shocked by weather but it *should* have recovered by now from that.

I posted better close-ups in a thread in General since there was no action here :)

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