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Bio-Ag-Guy February 7, 2017 05:44 PM

Bio's garden 2016/17
8 Attachment(s)
I'm going to document my garden's success and failures here, hopefully limiting the failures. It is nice to go to past season's pics. and compare. At least I like that kind of thing.

jpop February 7, 2017 06:47 PM

Howdy neighbor, great looking garden there Bio or is it Brian?

What varieties are you growing?

heirloomtomaguy February 7, 2017 11:47 PM

Lookin good Bio. Im liking that staghorn fern hanging off of your tree in the background.

Bio-Ag-Guy February 8, 2017 09:49 AM

[QUOTE=jpop;616934]Howdy neighbor, great looking garden there Bio or is it Brian?

What varieties are you growing?[/QUOTE]

Mostly hybrids, Odoriko, Marianna, SunGold, Suncherry,Parks Whopper, and a couple heirlooms.
German Johnson, not purple strawberry. Wish I had started more, but I ran out of time. Maybe next year. Brian, Bio, B I don't care!

Bio-Ag-Guy February 8, 2017 09:53 AM

[QUOTE=heirloomtomaguy;616994]Lookin good Bio. Im liking that staghorn fern hanging off of your tree in the background.[/QUOTE]

Some one gave me one little piece about 15 years ago and I stuck it on the avocado tree and let it go.
It pretty much fends for itself. I'll feed it some banana peels every once in a while though.

jpop February 8, 2017 02:12 PM

[QUOTE=Bio-Ag-Guy;617100]Mostly hybrids, Odoriko, Marianna, SunGold, Suncherry,Parks Whopper, and a couple heirlooms.
German Johnson, not purple strawberry. Wish I had started more, but I ran out of time. Maybe next year. Brian, Bio, B I don't care![/QUOTE]

Looks to me that you are averting the nematode crisis as well with your soil amendment practices, great job Brian.

Bio-Ag-Guy February 8, 2017 06:09 PM

[QUOTE=jpop;617168]Looks to me that you are averting the nematode crisis as well with your soil amendment practices, great job Brian.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, time will tell on that one! Everything has improved over the last few seasons, so there is hope.

jpop February 8, 2017 07:41 PM

[QUOTE=Bio-Ag-Guy;617221]Thanks, time will tell on that one! Everything has improved over the last few seasons, so there is hope.[/QUOTE]

Looking at the plant and fruit size with the fruit set, I think there should be a high degree of confidence that the roots are not completely entangled.

gothicgardens February 8, 2017 07:48 PM

You really know how to hurt a guy. We got 2 inches of snow today and down into the single digits tonight. Just starting to think of starting seeds and you have ripe tomatoes. Looks great.

Bio-Ag-Guy February 9, 2017 10:47 AM

[QUOTE=gothicgardens;617254]You really know how to hurt a guy. We got 2 inches of snow today and down into the single digits tonight. Just starting to think of starting seeds and you have ripe tomatoes. Looks great.[/QUOTE]

Thanks, I know what you mean! You'll appreciate spring so much more this way though! :twisted:

Bio-Ag-Guy December 9, 2017 08:28 PM

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Here's a few pictures of this year's garden.

Bio-Ag-Guy December 9, 2017 08:33 PM

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And my new raised, raised bed.

Bio-Ag-Guy December 9, 2017 08:36 PM

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Finally got some strawberries planted!:)

Bio-Ag-Guy December 9, 2017 08:37 PM

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And the tomatoes.

PhilaGardener December 9, 2017 09:00 PM

Looks great! What sort of supports were peaking out from under that raised bed?

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