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AlittleSalt April 8, 2017 06:39 PM

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I started a thread here [URL][/URL] about growing herbs in containers. A lot of us joined in. I would like for this thread to be just about Rosemary and info/helpful tips growing it.

What I have growing (Pictured) is Rosemarinus Officinalis. It has been this size for weeks now. It is hardened off outside. The package says it grows between 2' and 6' tall. (A big difference there.)

I'm wondering if I should bottom water them with some MG Tomato food? (That's what I have on-hand.)

Or maybe pot them up and then feed them? I have Pro Mix to pot them up in.

I also have 5-1-1 Alaska fish fertilizer as another option. The next 3 weeks are going to be lean on spending money due to an unexpected medical bill.

Cole_Robbie April 8, 2017 06:48 PM

I would pot them up to reduce legginess and the roots competing with each other. I think they need mostly nitrogen at this point. The fish ferts will work, as long as your winter is over and it isn't going to get cold again. The MG will work too, but you don't need the extra P & K that it has in it. Osmocote is a great time-release fertilizer for potted plants and very easy to use. Small containers of it are about $6 at Wal-Mart.

Worth1 April 8, 2017 06:53 PM

(((((NO NITROGEN)))))) what so ever you will kill them grave yard dead and I mean fast.
And dont bottom water it will kill them too(( root rot)).
Leave them alone and give them a wee bit of top water every now and then.

PhilaGardener April 8, 2017 07:00 PM

You also have something else coming up in there too. Maybe oregano? The two seedlings in the right front of the second (closer) image have rounded leaves.

AlittleSalt April 8, 2017 07:10 PM

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No Nitrogen and top water only.

There are actually three that have the more rounded leaves. The pack is Ferry~Morse. The pictures I just looked up have no rounded leaves. I was very careful planting, so I'm thinking mixed seeds from Ferry~Morse. They also do not smell like Rosemary or oregano.

Worth1 April 8, 2017 07:17 PM

Sorry to get up on step about the nitrogen but I almost killed a potted one with just a wee bit TWICE.
It was like over night too.
Rosemary is like the cactus of the herbs.
Yours look fine and they are slow growers and the reason why all you buy at the store are cuttings that have been rooted.

Cole_Robbie April 8, 2017 07:23 PM

LOL. I didn't say [I]how much[/I] nitrogen. But you're right, rosemary is a very light feeder, that is a good point.

dmforcier April 8, 2017 07:41 PM

Rosemary bush is tougher than old boot leather. Doesn't seem to demand much in the way of "good dirt". Never fertilized or cultivated; only hacked off bits for food. I suppose some places are too cold, but mine did fine unprotected in teen-age weather. Everyone should be growing rosemary.

Like basil, it smells good when you brush against it, so plant near a traveled path.

AlittleSalt April 8, 2017 07:44 PM

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Rosemary is the cactus of herbs! 8-) It'll grow very well here then. We have cactus growing wild all over the place. The second picture is of the pad I planted last year that I knocked off while mowing. It's also the plant on the far right in the first picture. I just stuck it in the ground. I was going to take a picture of the wild cacti that grows here, but my body told me that I've done enough today.

Deborah April 8, 2017 07:50 PM

What's teenage weather? Inquiring minds want to know...

dmforcier April 8, 2017 08:09 PM

Weather in the teens.

PhilaGardener April 8, 2017 08:59 PM

With occasional drops back to childhood (single digits) . . .:))

Deborah April 8, 2017 09:23 PM

Oh. LOL.

ilex April 11, 2017 10:52 AM

Rosemary is a weed, will grow without water or soil. Probably thr best way to kill it is to take too much care.

Cattle won't eat it, camels won't eat it ... I destroy thousands each year, and eat it, of course.

Cole_Robbie April 11, 2017 11:02 AM

My cilantro always takes so long to come up, that I have given up on it by the time it does.

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