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angelique March 17, 2007 09:24 PM

Bad Luck with Jiffy Mix or Sandhill Preservation?
[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Hi All,

This year, I started about 25 varieties of tomatoes. All were started on either Feb. 11th or 13th. Most of the varieties were started in a seed starting mix from a local nursery (Dr. Earth???). All of those are very health with at least 2 sets of true leaves.

I ran out of the seed mix, so I picked up a bag of the Jiffy Mix from Walmart. I only used this mix for the seeds that I purchased from Sandhill. Those seeds arrived on Feb. 11th, so they were separated from the other varieties.

Anyhow here is a list of varieties that either did not sprout or just barely have their "first" leaf type. The ones that did come up look horrible.

epoch -didn't sprout
sophies choice (only 1 of 5 sprouted; the one that sprouted looks weak)
puck -didn't sprout
Anna's Russian
Forme de Couer
Yellow Out Red In -didn't sprout

Additionally, I used the Jiffy mix for a couple of pepper seeds. Those did not sprout. However, the rest of my peppers did.

For those that did not sprout, are they worth starting over in a new seed starting medium? Also, will the varieties that just sprouted with "first" leaves be ready for planting in ground or in HEB by April 15th(ish)? Most importantly, do you think the problem with the seeds is the source (Sandhill) or growing medium (Jiffy mix)?

Tomatovator March 17, 2007 09:32 PM

I had similar results with Jiffy Mix. Seeds grow faster and bigger for me in Scott's Seed Starting mix (I got it at Home Depot). There are a couple of threads on this from a few months ago. Don't wait for the second set of leaves on your smaller seedlings. Plant them up to the cotyledons in Scott's Seed Starting Mix (along with the ones with 2 sets of leaves) and they should be 5"-6" tall by April 15th. You will see them perk up in 2 to 3 days after you replant them.

mdvpc March 17, 2007 09:48 PM

I used a variation of Tania's formula-4 parts peat moss, 2 parts perlite and 1 part vermiculite. She puts some other things in like compost. I dont-I use bokashi juice.

angelique March 17, 2007 11:14 PM

Thanks. I'll pick up a bag of Scott's Seed Mix tomorrow. I also plan on reseeding Puck, Epoch and [FONT=Arial][SIZE=2] Yellow Out Red. These varieties didn't sprout.

honu March 18, 2007 01:13 AM

[QUOTE][FONT=Arial][SIZE=2]Most importantly, do you think the problem with the seeds is the source (Sandhill) or growing medium (Jiffy mix)?[/SIZE][/FONT][/QUOTE]Hi Angelique, I've always gotten good germination from Sandhill seeds, so I think it is the mix, especially when you said Jiffy Mix.
When I tried Jiffy Mix from Walmart, my seeds did not come up for 10 days, so I started another set of seeds from the exact same seed packs, including some from Sandhill and other sources, but this time I used regular Gardener & Bloome planting mix, and added some perlite. This is not a seed starting mix, but it has always worked fine for me, and cheaper than seed starting mix.
Seeds came up right away. I left the Jiffy Mix seeds alone, and eventually some of the seeds came up, but my records showed some took 3 or more weeks.
The Jiffy Mix was turning green. I think it packs too tight. If you use this again, I would mix in some perlite to to loosen up the mix.

angelique March 18, 2007 02:12 AM

Thanks Honu. :-)

Does anyone think this mix would be good for starting large seed veggies, specifically, cukes and squash?

elkwc36 March 18, 2007 09:43 AM

This thread is interesting to me. As it is hard to find seed starting mix here where I'm at and my local nursery didn't have their's in yet I'm using Jiffy and so far things are looking good. My tomatoes started coming up after 3 days. I tried Scott's last year with very poor results. Had to go to my nursery and get some of their's. I did purchase Garden's Alive and getting ready to try it. I used it on peppers and have several up and they are all looking good with a good green color. I will see how it goes. Makes me a little nervous about the rest I have to sow reading your results though. Jay

feldon30 March 18, 2007 10:10 AM

Lately, I am questioning buying any product with "Jiffy" in the name. I know some people have fine results with it, I just choose not to take chances. ;)

Problem with roots getting confined? Peat pellets with netting (if you cut off the netting or get pellets without it, that's fine)
Problem with the pot stealing all the moisture from the plant? Jiffy Pots
Problem with poor germination? Jiffy Mix

elkwc36 March 18, 2007 10:34 AM

So far on my peppers I'm at over 80 percent with Jiffy Mix and like I said the tomatoes are just coming up. And the pepper % would be higher but most of them are one variety and I they usually take more than ten days regardless of what I use. The only problem I've encountered is it seems to dry out faster than other mixes. Imagine I'll head 35 miles over to my local nursery tomorrow and try to pick up some of their commercial mix. I have tried Scott's and Miracle Grow both with poor results but as soon as I go to the commercial I have good to great results. The Jiffy has done better than either of those so far and the seedlings are looking great. Around here we have little choice without driving 120 miles. The Gardens Alive didn't look as good but will try it now to compare. Jay

Tomatovator March 18, 2007 11:08 AM

I am noticing a big difference from bag to bag of the same brand of potting (seed starting) mix. One bag was very easy to wet, had few twigs and large lumps of peat and was very easy to work with. Subsequent bags of the same brand were just the opposite, small twigs, big lumps of ?? and hard to moisten. Maybe its not the brand if mix as much as the batch you happen to get from??

decius March 18, 2007 11:10 AM

Angelique- My Epoch from Sandhill didn't sprout either (the only overlap I have with your list), but all the rest of the varieties from Sandhill sprouted with no problems. These were started in peat pellets, but I have used Jiffy Mix many times for the first transplant with no problems.


montanamato March 18, 2007 11:52 AM

You guys are making me feel less guilty about ordering seed starting mix and paying freight...We have such a limited local supply, and I don't do box stores. I have had great results with the Johnny's seed starting mix this year, but it stays so loose the seedlings tip over if not potted up quickly....At least that keeps me with the program....


angelique March 18, 2007 04:57 PM

I moved the seedling over to a mix of 1/2 Master Gardener Potting Soil and 1/2 Perlite. I'll let you know if they recover. If they don't, I restart them the nursery brand.

I do plan on restarting a Epoch and a couple of pepper varieties.

elkwc36 March 18, 2007 05:52 PM

My peppers and tomatoes both are still looking great and looks like I'm going to get a good stand of both at this time. It has only been 4 days on the tomatoes and several are up. I did do mine more like Craig said. Although I planted in individual cells I put the seeds in and put a light covering over them then have been sprinkling with a spray bottle even when I had the dome on. And took the dome off when the first plant of each popped through. And they have good color. I'm wondering if it is different bags have different mixes. As I know I had bad luck with Scott's and MG seed starting soil and others seem to do fine with it. Best of luck with the repotting. Jay

spyfferoni March 18, 2007 06:56 PM

I've used Jiffy seed starting mix for the last 2 yrs and now this year and I haven't had any problems. I may try something else next year and compare. I know I can get pro-mix at the nurseries around here. My neighbor uses the jiffy pellets for onions, peppers, and flowers and they work fine for her. Maybe the Jiffy stuff is a little heavier and takes longer, but still works?


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