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PlainJane February 5, 2019 05:39 PM

David Austin Roses
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I had a big rose garden in New England and have been really missing it, so after lots of research decided on David Austin’s Lady Emma Hamilton for the front border and Lady of Shallot for the big galvanized containers.

I had temporarily planted the front with African Blue Basil and annuals earlier this year.

PlainJane February 5, 2019 05:46 PM

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Today I started moving the basil and prepping the soil, adding compost, alfalfa, crab and shrimp meal and crushed crab shells against the nematodes.

PlainJane February 5, 2019 05:47 PM

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Here’s what Lady Emma Hamilton looks like.

PlainJane February 5, 2019 05:48 PM

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4 down, 8 more to go.

PlainJane February 5, 2019 05:51 PM

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The galvanized containers are on the back patio.
Lady of Shallot gets a bit taller than a Lady Emma, and looks like this:

PlainJane February 5, 2019 05:54 PM

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LOS planted. I’ll fill in with annuals this weekend.

Goodloe February 5, 2019 06:14 PM

Those are beautiful! I got 2 David Austin Roses off the "nearly dead rack" at Lowe's last year for $2 each. They were red ones, don't know the specific name. One didn't make it, but the other one has done fine.

upcountrygirl February 5, 2019 06:40 PM

They look beautiful, jane. I gave up on roses here. Pests and diseases galore...I'm thinking about trying the knockout series of roses and see if they stand up to the pests and diseases better..not a big fan of herbicides or pesticides. We've worked hard to increase the native pollinators in the garden beds.

PlainJane February 5, 2019 07:06 PM

[QUOTE=Goodloe;726103]Those are beautiful! I got 2 David Austin Roses off the "nearly dead rack" at Lowe's last year for $2 each. They were red ones, don't know the specific name. One didn't make it, but the other one has done fine.[/QUOTE]

For $2 you can’t go wrong!

PlainJane February 5, 2019 07:14 PM

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[QUOTE=upcountrygirl;726104]They look beautiful, jane. I gave up on roses here. Pests and diseases galore...I'm thinking about trying the knockout series of roses and see if they stand up to the pests and diseases better..not a big fan of herbicides or pesticides. We've worked hard to increase the native pollinators in the garden beds.[/QUOTE]

I don’t spray except for a little neem, and I’ve grown another DA rose called Jude the Obscure in a large container for 4 years now. Every winter I pull off all the leaves, prune, and good to go.

DapsSeeds February 6, 2019 06:15 AM

Oh my, those roses are absolutely gorgeous. To me a garden without roses isn't a garden.

PlainJane February 6, 2019 06:18 AM

[QUOTE=DapsSeeds;726150]Oh my, those roses are absolutely gorgeous. To me a garden without roses isn't a garden.[/QUOTE]

Agree completely!

ac21686 February 7, 2019 12:07 AM

I think you'll be very happy with both!

My family runs a garden center and we carry David Austin roses. They're poor sellers (almost all roses are besides Knock Outs...sigh) but we love them so we don't care all too much :lol: We carry both of those and they're excellent choices and we've found the disease resistance quite good. We've tried probably 20-25 different varieties of DA roses and these have been the best for us:

Lady Emma Hamilton
Queen of Sweden
Golden Celebration
Princess Alexandra of Kent - we have a hedge of these at the store in front of an Emerald Green Arborvitae screen with delphiniums between the roses. It's beautiful in full bloom. Need to add boxwoods in front of the roses that I've been saying I'm going to do for two years now.
Claire Austin

PlainJane February 7, 2019 06:46 AM

[QUOTE=ac21686;726237]I think you'll be very happy with both!

My family runs a garden center and we carry David Austin roses. They're poor sellers (almost all roses are besides Knock Outs...sigh) but we love them so we don't care all too much :lol: We carry both of those and they're excellent choices and we've found the disease resistance quite good. We've tried probably 20-25 different varieties of DA roses and these have been the best for us:

Lady Emma Hamilton
Queen of Sweden
Golden Celebration
Princess Alexandra of Kent - we have a hedge of these at the store in front of an Emerald Green Arborvitae screen with delphiniums between the roses. It's beautiful in full bloom. Need to add boxwoods in front of the roses that I've been saying I'm going to do for two years now.
Claire Austin

I can’t understand how folks could look at a DA rose and not want 10 of them.
LOVE Queen of Sweden and PA of Kent and Crown Princess Margareta and Teasing Georgia and and and...
I am so sad still over his recent passing.

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