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akgardengirl April 17, 2007 05:30 PM

Ideal time to pick herbs
What is the primo time to pick herbs for drying? Does is it make much diff if they have flowered or not? I am still pretty new at growing them.

honu April 19, 2007 05:36 AM

Sue, "Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs" says,
"If you are harvesting leaves, the peak time for flavor and fragrance is just before the plants flower in the spring. Harvests can continue as need and plant growth permit, until early fall. Trim off any flower heads from basil and mint for continued top-quality leaf production."
What kinds of herbs are growing?

lavandula girl April 19, 2007 07:25 AM

[COLOR=purple]Also, herbs that are grown for their flowers are generally picked when the buds are still tight - lavender and sometimes chives come to mind here. It isn't true for all of them, but that's a general rule of thumb. As Honu said, prior to flowering is best for plants you use just the leaves of. I pinch back the forming flower heads on basil, tarragon and oregano especially, unless i want a few blooms to garnish a dish. if you don't already own that Rodale's book, I suggest picking it up at the bookstore - it's really a good one.[/COLOR]

Granny April 19, 2007 01:58 PM

The Shakers picked those chive flowers, then broke them apart and used them as seasoning in omelets. If they haven't opened yet throw them in whole. Different. Yummy.

akgardengirl April 19, 2007 04:46 PM

Ideal time to pick herbs
I am growing greek oregano, french thyme, majorum, rosemary, lavender, and clary sage (don't know if this qualifies). I grow them as annuals here so don't usually see flowers until June. Did you have to order the Rodale book or can I get it at B&N?

Worth1 April 19, 2007 05:03 PM

If you cut rosemary at the wrong time of the year you wont have any flowers.
they make the flower buds the year before. so you need to pick it right aftwer it flowers.

I really dont care as I have so much of it.:)


lavandula girl April 19, 2007 05:04 PM

[COLOR=purple]I think I bought mine at a big box book store - I'm sure B&N either has it, or can send it to you if they don't. It's a really good resource, you won't be sorry.[/COLOR]

Tomstrees April 20, 2007 03:51 PM

I've heard:

Pick herbs before they flower; around 11am - Just after the dew has dried off the leaves ...

~ Tom

Care December 29, 2007 10:56 PM

Chive Flowers & Lavender Flowers
We pick chive flowers just as they are beginning to open and put them in plain white vinegar. It makes a delicious purple chivvy-flavored vinegar that is good in lots of things.
I have a recipe for lavender pound cake and lavender cookies, both of which are delicious and unusual, and made with dried lavender flowers. I would be willing to share the recipes if anyone would like them.

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