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jerseyjohn61 May 4, 2007 01:54 AM

Anyone else have seedling trouble with Stump OTW?
In the last two years, I have planted 12 Stump Of The
World, and have nothing to show for it. Last year, 5 of 8
germinated in four separate cells. 3 died because they
could not lose their shells. Lost the other 2 after they had
grown to just about an inch and a 1/4. Stems were weak
and the Coty leaves were sad.

This year, only 1 of 4 have germinated. And that one may
not make it throught this night. Its' stem is as thin as a mechanical pencil's lead, despite it being nearly 3/4 of an
inch long. I've been wetting it, but it can't lose its' shell
and it may just give up before it decapitates itself.

Has anyone else been through this???
All my others are hitting very well...JJ61

TomatoDon May 4, 2007 02:08 AM

jj, I am very new to seeds, but I had two this year that worked like a charm. Came up fast, developed strong stems, and were just really nice. One was Earl's Faux and the other was Stump OTW.

I planted another nine recently and will let you know how they do. Wish I could email you some plants! These looked good. I got these from TGS I believe.

Maybe your new batch will do better!


jerseyjohn61 May 4, 2007 02:33 AM

Earl's was the other seeds I got with the same offer last
year. Had the same results with them.

Have one super looking EFer going now and hope the world
for it. Thanks Donny for your concern. Talk later. Need

carolyn137 May 4, 2007 10:02 AM

JJ, I think if you'd asked if others wh had the same seed source for Stump that you had were having problems you might get some good info. But just asking about your own seeds makes it more difficult b'c with good seeds I've never heard of anyone having problems with this variety. That is, that I can remember, and that includes myself.:lol:

jerseyjohn61 May 4, 2007 11:15 PM

Thanks Carolyn for letting me know that you have not
heard of a typical problem with Stump. Will ask the seed source if I can still find him....JJ61

WildLife May 7, 2007 06:27 PM

on stump otw
I had 100% germ.
The 2 plants are showing crud.
I think they will out grow it.

Dunkel May 8, 2007 08:45 AM

Tried growing SOTW last season. I got 50% or so germination. All seedlings were wimpy, choose the strongest, transplanted to 3.5" pot, it grew slow. Transplanted out in my garden and it was the smallest, most frail plant in the patch. I pulled it up after a month of it sulking. Not sure of seed source. I won't bother growing it again.

jerseyjohn61 May 10, 2007 12:43 AM

Hey Wild,

I believe I sent you some of the STOW seeds last years
from the same source. Came from the same source as
the Earl's F....JJ61

WildLife May 12, 2007 01:37 PM

Yes JJ you did :D
Thanks :mrgreen:
So far a little crud, new leaves are a nice dark green.
A little slow to get big, its about 1 foot and holding :dizzy:
If I get fruit I will save some seeds for ya :!:

jerseyjohn61 May 23, 2007 09:25 PM

Just noticed your posting WL and thanks for the STOW
offer. Have you tried the Earl's Faux or had any luck
with it? I have one plant going from my last two seeds
and I'm placing a great store in it....JJ61:D

nctomatoman May 23, 2007 09:45 PM

Stump of the World has never given me any trouble - quick germinator, very strong vigorous seedlings. I got my start through an SSE trade many years ago.

VGary May 23, 2007 10:14 PM

Stump of the World
Remy shared Stump of the World seed with me this year and I had 100% germination on them. I am growing it and shared transplants with seven "foster" tomato growers. These plants have been very healthy and sturdy.

WildLife May 24, 2007 04:40 PM

[quote=jerseyjohn61;59132]Just noticed your posting WL and thanks for the STOW
offer. Have you tried the Earl's Faux or had any luck
with it? I have one plant going from my last two seeds
and I'm placing a great store in it....JJ61:D[/quote]
I also have the EF growing. :D
No problems ..........yet :mrgreen:
I will keep ya updated

joecessna May 24, 2007 07:44 PM

I had two out of ten SOTW germinate; the most robust one now has about a dozen green tomatoes on it. :)

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