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the999bbq July 4, 2007 10:33 AM

tomato bought in venice italy, forgot the name...
Maybe someone of you recognises this tomato :


it has a firm bite and melon'ny taste, and they are a bit squared (I damaged the tips a bit when they fell of our babywagon : babywagons are not a good idea in Venice with its 400 stepped-bridges btw :))

I saved the seeds and will try them anyway to see what comes from them - even when the remain anonymous, if they taste the same they are welcome in my garden...

feldon30 July 4, 2007 10:40 AM

It could be one of hundreds (if not thousands) of plum/oxheart varieties.

Some varieties like this that I like: Prue, Tony's Italian, Sarnowski's Polish Plum, none of which you'll find in a seed catalog. ;)

Rena July 4, 2007 04:16 PM

Can I ask what a babywagon is? Is that a stroller?:D

the999bbq July 5, 2007 04:32 AM

stroller yes, that's the word we are after ;-)

Hilde July 11, 2007 12:18 PM

It looks like the San Marzano Redorta (heirloom from Tuscany), but I bet there are a lot of others who looks like that also. Good luck with growing it out!


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