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nctomatoman August 24, 2007 10:29 AM

A good day for recent pet pics - Show Us Your Pets!
4 Attachment(s)
A few from this week - Mocha and Buddy enjoying the sultry Raleigh days on the back deck. Pining away for Sue, who was in Florida helping out her Aunt (who just lost her husband, to Alzheimers, and son, to liver cancer, within a few sad).

Zana August 24, 2007 11:58 AM

Mocha and Buddy remind me of our old chocolate labs. Are they chocolate labs too? They're definitely looking relaxed, and sad. I swear labs have the saddest eyes.

Ours were named Chocolate Soldier(Chocolate), Chocolate Mousse(Mousse), Chocolate Toblerone (Toby), Chocolate Boadecia Satenig (BS - was going to call her "Boa" but once I saw the initials she was BS forever afterwards) and Chocolate Dreadly (Dread or Dreadly - my bro was sound engineer for a reggae band when he got the puppy.) I'll see if I can find some of their pics. Now we have a black lab and a westie....guess who is the alpha? LOL

Biddy, the Westie, of course.


Tomstrees August 24, 2007 02:09 PM

Here is our dog Bailey ... she's sweet ~ Tom




and a pic we sent to Suz Mom after she had surgery:

Sherry_AK August 25, 2007 03:25 AM

Kodi enjoying some sun.


Maggie enjoying the couch!


lumierefrere August 25, 2007 05:29 PM

Life is good.


Jonathan_E August 25, 2007 07:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My daughter won a pet photo contest with this one.

Woodenzoo August 26, 2007 07:17 PM

I just love that get well picture of Bailey!:mrgreen:
Not only is she gorgeous, but it looks like she's loaded with personality too!:mrgreen:

Love the spaniel and the boxer...
And the kitties too!
Oh, who am I kidding? I love them all!
Hope to see lots more of Tomatoville's pets!

I guess, one of these days, I'll try taking new pics of my motley crew, but everyone has already seen the ones I do have.:oops:

babylark August 26, 2007 09:25 PM

6 Attachment(s)
Now you asked for it. Takin pictures of my "children" is my favorite subject. We just recently had a liter of Corgi puppies too. The full grown dog is a brother to the puppies named Bullwinkle. I'll dig up the rest of the family.

nctomatoman August 26, 2007 09:29 PM

Keep 'em coming! Great specimens, one and all! Yes, Zana - they are chocolate labs. Buddy (brown eyes) is 4 and a rescue dog...Mocha (green eyes) is 3 and we lucked out - freebie from someone who shouldn't have gotten a little puppy! Pays to read the classifieds now and then - you can get lucky!

caascher2 August 26, 2007 10:10 PM

Babylark..your Corgis are the cutest little furballs! I bet they keep things busy at your house!

babylark August 26, 2007 10:23 PM

They did. I was very surprised when I was able to sell all of them in 2 days! My house became very quiet very quickly. It was kind of sad! :( I miss the puppies, but they are a lot of work. I was VERY tempted to keep one, but since they all sold quicly I didn't really have the chance. Which is good with 4 other dogs in the house and a cat. Plus, I have horses. Plenty to keep up with :dizzy:

tomatoaddict August 26, 2007 10:25 PM

[FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]My litttle cat [/SIZE][/FONT] [FONT=Arial Black][B][COLOR=Red][I]Sadie [/I][/COLOR][/B][COLOR=Red][SIZE=3][COLOR=Black][FONT=Arial][SIZE=3]when she thought she should be a nativity animal. [/SIZE][/FONT]:mrgreen:

[COLOR=Red]Sadie[/COLOR] kicking my little dog [COLOR=Red]Boo [/COLOR]out of her own bed. ;)

babylark August 26, 2007 10:28 PM

I love the nativity cat, and the Pricess bed! I should have one of those for me, since the dogs take over our bed!

Rena August 27, 2007 04:23 AM

This is Daisy. Notice she is on the sofa:lol: :lol:


This is Lilly. aka Lillygator (jaws) She is a sweet pea. [IMG][/IMG]

Patrina_Pepperina August 27, 2007 09:04 AM

Jasmine likes finding novel places to sleep, even if she has to support herself on her back legs to do it?! In this pic she is in the corner of the couch peering over the arm section. I had tossed my cardigan on the top of the couch, and where it hung down she snuggled up against it :lol:


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