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Woodenzoo September 16, 2007 02:47 PM

Humph Tomato Pics
I had forgotten that this was a green when ripe tomato.
Somewhat hard to tell in the pics, but it's the strangest shade of orange.
(And weighs about 2-3 ounces).
I really don't want to comment on productivity as nothing was productive this year (well, nothing aside from Eva Purple Ball!) I'd have liked a few more to better judge the taste. Will try this tomato again another year.


carolyn137 September 16, 2007 03:29 PM

[quote=Woodenzoo;74048]I had forgotten that this was a green when ripe tomato.
Somewhat hard to tell in the pics, but it's the strangest shade of orange.
(And weighs about 2-3 ounces).
I really don't want to comment on productivity as nothing was productive this year (well, nothing aside from Eva Purple Ball!) I'd have liked a few more to better judge the taste. Will try this tomato again another year.


Cathy, It was bcday who posts here who first listed it in the SSE Yearbook and I think it was last year or the year before that i first grew it, seeds from her.

I didn't get any strange orange color, just the typical amber blush of most green when ripes, and the size should be in the 8-12 oz range not as small as you got.

I'm glad you've decided to grow it next year b'c it is quite tasty.

dcarch September 16, 2007 04:30 PM

[quote=Woodenzoo;74048]I had forgotten that this was a green when ripe tomato.
Somewhat hard to tell in the pics, but it's the strangest shade of orange.
(And weighs about 2-3 ounces).
I really don't want to comment on productivity as nothing was productive this year (well, nothing aside from Eva Purple Ball!) I'd have liked a few more to better judge the taste. Will try this tomato again another year.

They look identical to my LGSs, both inside and outside. The only difference is that my LGSs have been hugely productive.


bcday September 16, 2007 08:18 PM

If you leave Humph on the vine long enough, the skin does turn a deep yellow as the pic shows. But they are ready to eat long before that stage, when they just show an amber blush as Carolyn mentioned. 2-3 oz. is very small, they are usually three times that size or better. Has your weather been very dry this year?

Suze September 16, 2007 11:36 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I don't generally weigh fruits, but most of mine were probably 6-12 oz. I didn't start getting smaller fruits until the plant was on its last legs, right before I pulled spring plants.

Cathy, what you've pictured doesn't look 2-3 oz to me :?:, unless you are using a really small plate.

Humph got a deep amber skin coloration for me as well, especially as the season progressed and it got hotter.

Woodenzoo September 18, 2007 01:32 AM

It has been a terribly hot and dry tomato season. And the Humph was picked late as I kept waiting for it to turn red. (I had gotten it into my head that I [I]hadn't[/I] planted any green when ripe tomatoes:roll:. Suze, the plate is a small salad plate. And those slices are from 2 tomatoes.)
It was a very disappointing year. Nothing grew very large... NAR, Wes, Cuostralee... they were all about the size of the Eva Purple Ball or [B]smaller[/B]!
This was a mix of traded and commercial seeds, some in grow bags, some in the raised beds, the results were the same small tomatoes.
Caspian Pink was the only really large tomato and I only got a couple of those. From the huge Ashleigh plant, I didn't get a single fruit to try as the squirrels got all of those!:(
I said I'd grow the Humph again, but what I didn't say was that I'll be growing most of what I grew this year again in hopes for a better year!;)
Hope everyone else had a better mater season than me!

Earl September 19, 2007 07:45 PM

I grew Humph last year I think it was. It was smallish too and productive. Tasted good and will grow again when room permits.

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