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bizzarbazzar September 21, 2007 08:56 PM

A few garden pics PIC HEAVY
11 Attachment(s)
I have more to load but have not gotten around to it! Some of the pics were taken with the old sony, some with the kodak and some with the new sony. Depending on the time in the season
I took the one in 16:9 accidentally and its a tiny picture and wont blow up. But the rest seem to be OK.

I have already had 28 degrees and lost many of my plants BUT the good news is I had a wonderful year :) all things considered. Between the June freeze and the late August freeze and July and August fires. I wont complain

dcarch September 21, 2007 09:05 PM

Good to hear that you had a nice year.
Very nice pictures.
The bee picture is stunning!


Worth1 September 21, 2007 10:48 PM

Is that what that is, "A BEE" I thought it was maybe frost.:lol:
Nice photo's

spyfferoni September 22, 2007 01:06 AM

It is great to hear you had a good year. I was a little worried early on, but my season turned out to be a great one too, and it is still going. It is supposed to go down to 39/40 next week, so I'll be covering everything up for a couple of nights to hopefully get some more ripe fruit. I am picking 2-3 grocery bags of tomatoes every 3-4 days. Many days I feel like I over planted, but them I wouldn't have the variety that I do.

Great photos---What kind of orange peppers are those---they look beautiful and delicious!


caascher2 September 22, 2007 09:22 AM

Everything looks beautiful!

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