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nctomatoman March 9, 2006 08:35 AM

A good use for our Kayaks offseason - look carefully

Our neighbor's cat Seamus looks quite comfortable - is his presence advantageous for our seedlings???

chilhuacle March 9, 2006 09:27 AM

You trust Seamus with all those seedlings? :shock: Our cat had never bothered my tomato seedlings. One day a couple of years ago we came home to headless plants in the room he was in. Guess he just need some kitty greens. Fortunately I only lost about 2 weeks on those.

nctomatoman March 9, 2006 09:36 AM

Good point - I did find a few cat prints in a few of the pots, but he avoided the seedling! Actually, he likes us because his owner - our neighbor - bought a Rhodesian Ridgeback dog, as well as another kitten - Seamus gives them the cold shoulder, and spends most time at our house!

Grub March 9, 2006 05:07 PM

Plenty of Seedlings
Sheesh, you've got a forest of seedlings there. Those kayaks look like rotomoulded polyethylene types. No? Tried a sail when paddling downwind? Or a kite? There's a bloke around here who paddles around the harbour with a small Jack Russel on the bow. He has to stop now and then when the dog slides off and falls into the drink. Maybe the cat wants a paddle.

bully March 9, 2006 07:26 PM

Maybe he wants to go bird watching with you :)

zeroma February 19, 2013 08:57 PM

Looking through old posts to see what I could find. Kayaks yeah!!!! Between tomato gardens and the lakes, my summer promises to be a great one.

Cole_Robbie February 19, 2013 10:58 PM

[I]is his presence advantageous for our seedlings???

[/I]Of course it is. He's generating carbon dioxide. And deterring mice :)

livinonfaith February 19, 2013 11:56 PM

Ahh, a squatter! We have another one of those this year. She's a calico and has taken to sleeping in my workshop.

She is not my cat, though. You can tell immediately when they decide to become yours. (My cat, Sarah, just showed up and decided that we were her family. Didn't even give me a choice, really.:twisted:)

Do you think this one is on it's way to claiming ownership of you?;)

ddsack February 20, 2013 12:18 AM

Must have missed this the first time around, or maybe I didn't have my kayak back in 2006. My cat likes to go for short 10 minute rides - I don't dare go too far from the dock because he's too bold for my comfort. :shock:


My husband built me a little water entry bench so I can get in without getting my feet wet, and the cat uses it to hop on and off as he chooses.


zeroma February 20, 2013 08:09 AM

Too funny Dee that you cat would get in the kayak! We have an Aussie Shepard mix who loves to kayak with us. But he can get into the kayak without getting wet at all. Once he fell in and didn't mind at all. Mostly he just likes being with us rather than the kayaking part of it!

livinonfaith February 20, 2013 09:53 AM

Didn't realize that the original post was so old.

janezee February 21, 2013 04:40 AM

So, Craig, has the cat adopted you, or left you?


lakelady February 23, 2013 08:43 PM

how cute. My son brought home a kitten last year, and although she is full grown in size, she is still mischevious, but very sweet . Now I've got two and between them (Bigley is all black and Simon is a Tuxedo), NOTHING IS SACRED I tell you! They commandeer everything lol...

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