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Worth1 February 8, 2008 06:47 PM

Here they are.
Here are the last of the plants even after a so called CAT attack I still have plenty.:evil::)
The two trays on the far left will go to friends.
I gave them 18 different variety's each.:)
I cant remember how many variety's I have, 70 I think:?!?:
The peppers are in the small trays with the sun roofs still on them.

bryanccfshr February 8, 2008 06:58 PM

I must have missed the cat attack. How traumatic!

Fine looking class of tomatoes you have. Looks like it was a beautiful day today.

Rena February 8, 2008 06:59 PM

Oh no, well they just culled those that needed to go:evil: Sorry to hear about your cat attack.:?::?:

gardenhappy February 8, 2008 09:01 PM

looking good there Worth!!!!:yes:
Rena,your soap was fab!! :yes: and the plants are doing great in spite of the wild boar:evil: He "moved them around for me":x :x :panic: :panic: But they are recovering well,the squash beside them is done for tho:shock: :cry: They we're still in trays and he tore them around.the tomatoes he just tipped over:evil:

neoguy February 9, 2008 05:43 PM

that beer mug next to the spray bottle looks empty:shock: !

dcarch February 9, 2008 06:04 PM

[quote=Worth1;88603]Here are the last of the plants even after a so called CAT attack I still have plenty.:evil::)
The two trays on the far left will go to friends.
I gave them 18 different variety's each.:)

[FONT=Times New Roman][FONT=Arial]I am happy that it didn’t turn out to be totally [B]CAT[/B]astrophic![/FONT][/FONT]


amideutch February 10, 2008 02:19 AM

Worth, sorry to hear about the Cat attack and empty beer mug.:panic: The funny thing is if it has beer left in it they accuse you of "alcohol abuse".:) Ami

Zana February 10, 2008 11:43 AM

Worth, perhaps your slug control centre needs a refill? Sorry to hear about the cat attack. Hope you didn't lose too many seedlings. What's left looks good. You can colour me green with envy as I sit here listening to the howling wind and -10C (before wind chill factored) temps praying for an early Spring.

Worth1 February 11, 2008 03:10 PM

Thanks for all of the nice comments.

What I cant understand is what makes you guys think there was beer in that mug.:?!?:

That was iced tea that I brewed from a high brow loose leaf tea I get from a middle eastern market in Austin.8)

It comes in a big pink bag or box and I cant read a thing on it.:no:

I NEVER drink beer before 8 AM while I'm off work.:no::))


amideutch February 12, 2008 12:56 AM

Worth, I have to apologise. Who in their right mind would think your drinking beer out of a beer mug.:dizzy: In Texas they don't mess with mugs when they drink beer, straight from the bottle pardner.:yes: Ami

Worth1 February 12, 2008 10:13 PM

[quote=amideutch;89026]Worth, I have to apologise. Who in their right mind would think your drinking beer out of a beer mug.:dizzy: In Texas they don't mess with mugs when they drink beer, straight from the bottle pardner.:yes: Ami[/quote]

Ami that brings up a funny story.

I never drink beer from a bottle or a can, unless I am at someone’s house and I don’t want to be rude.

I like a good beer to breath before I drink it and then I drink from a pilsner glass.

I was at a restaurant a few years ago and I ordered a Guinness to go with my steak. The girl brought out a bottle and set it down and left, with no glass.

The rest of the crowd was drinking that rotgut bud and other such domestic beers in the can.YUCK/puke

I motioned for her to come back and asked for a glass to drink the beer from and she looked at me like I was some kind of nut, but she brought a glass.
Bless her heart she was only about 18 or so and head no idea that some folks drank beer from a glass.
She only knew what she had seen in the area.:(

Now folks don’t get me wrong if you guys want to drink bud or drink out of a can or bottle then fine, I say, to each his own and live and let live.:)

It’s just not me and I am still a full blood card carrying hillbilly partially raised in the Ozarks.8);)


bryanccfshr February 12, 2008 10:21 PM

Well if you ever show up at my house I have plenty of pilsner glasses and for you I will share.

amideutch February 13, 2008 01:18 AM

Yes Sir, there definately is an art to pulling a Pils. Just like tapping a keg, don't get it right the first time you be wearing it. Got my "Meister Brief" on tapping kegs and drinkin Pils many years ago. Ami

Zana February 13, 2008 09:57 AM

I totally agree Ami. It is an art...and a skill. After working 34 out of the past 40 Oktoberfests here in Kitchener-Waterloo, I've pulled more than a few. The skill level rises when you have to add in the factors of speed and quantity - our Festhalle is licensed for 2300 - and they all want their beer yesterday.

Having also worked on the pulling side of the bar in a few English Pubs (back in university). Pouring the right kind of head on a beer is not only desired but expected. Here for some reason, they want as little a head as possible. But then, with some of the North American big commercial beers, you may not want a head to let it "breathe", since it might not improve the taste...:) . Their are exceptions, of course, but not many. Then again the North American preference for seriously chilled beers greatly reduces the amount of head that will be on a pulled pint. LOL

And then there are Stouts....and that's a whole different kettle of fish....or beverage. I may have poured literally 100's of thousands of beers over the years, but I don't drink it myself. Can't stand the taste of 95% of But a Guiness is a whole different thing of beauty in my book. Unfortunately, being Irish, its not served at Oktoberfest. <<sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhh>>

CLa February 13, 2008 03:49 PM

Guinness Drought = Worst beer ever created.
Guinness Stout = Greatest beer ever created;)

Yeah, Worth, I am in Louisiana, I go through that scenario often, when they have Guinness in the restaurants here that is... Rarely they do.

I hear some mention Guinness drought being more creamier, I think is really just the lack of carbon dioxide that makes people think that. I find the stout to be smoother and creamy in a different way, and richer for sure.

I actually like some Oktoberfest type beers. What I really like in a beer which I can never find, but I once had at a local microbrewery in Austin, Texas.... is a roasty slightly bready and actually grainy tasting beer with the right amount of no overbearing hops. Cant find anything like it in the stores. Wish I knew what style it was. Guess I need to do some research.:evil:

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