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Old January 16, 2009   #13
TomatovilleŽ Moderator
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Hey Kat - just my own reference number. Each year when I saved seeds, I set up an Excel spreadsheet and cross reference each variety I save with a number - so for all of my tomatoes, I have 08-1, 08-2, etc - meaning seed saved in 2008, vial number 1, 2, .... - last year I made up to 08-165! I do that with all of my peppers (in my vial boxes they are T08-X for tomatoes, P08-X for peppers, etc). I've been doing this since 1996....when you have so many saved seeds, you need shortcuts so that you don't end up having to write the full name for everything on the vial.

And yes, I do back up my Excel files frequently! If I lose them, I lose the ability to identify ANY of my seeds!

So when you report back to me, you can use either the pepper number in the thread or the vial number.
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