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Old May 22, 2009   #2
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My peppers are doing great, but badly need to be transplanted from their individual 2" cells into permanent quarters. (Why are there only 24 hours in a day?)

The main difference I see in the three varieties that I am growing is that #1 and #38 tend to have a thinner, more delicate upright growth, while #5 is more broader leaved and bushy. I would guess that this might portend #5 being a larger, more robust pepper plant, while the other two remind me more of Bolivian Rainbow (which is a delicate little ornamental) but they are twice as tall as my Bolivian Rainbows right now. Of course, this could all change when I get them into the ground or pots with more leg room.

Some of the #1 plants have put up blossoms, and I was tickled to see that two green variants (the only two with more normal green, not dark purple leaves) have bi-color blossoms, which I have personally never seen in a pepper. I can't wait to see what the cluster of blossoms will look like on the second plant, but the buds sure look bi-color. Aren't they pretty?
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