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Old May 28, 2009   #13
Join Date: Jun 2006
Location: West Virginia - Zone 6
Posts: 594
Default Variations

Sorry I haven't done this sooner, but here is my update:

Variations is the theme. Not just between the different numbered varieties, but also amongst individual varieties. My guess would be that these are F2 or F3 plants based on what I'm seeing.

The following pictures were taken just before I transplanted. I had read here that the seeds were slow to germinate. I guess I had the luck of the draw or Murphy's law because all of mine germinated in the regular amount of time (7-10 days) as I posted earlier. So, many of them had flowered and/or set fruit when I transplanted.

I've decided to grow the ones I'm keeping in containers, and my buddy is going to grow the remainder in the ground (he's not really into containers). I thought it would be a good experiment.

Number 9: Speaking of variations, you have everything from light green splattered with purple to regular colored green to almost all purple/black leaves (it's a little hard to see but the leftmost in the back row exhibits this).

Number 14: All of number 14s seedlings are small plants and I think they're going to be that way, like they were dwarfs or something:

Just to show that even though the Number 14 plants are small they are well grown and have a proper root system:

Number 37:
Again we have the variations this time not only with the different colored foliage, but also plant size.

Number 43:
Look at how lightly colored all of these are. The variations here are with the structure of the plant even though this is the most consistent (fewest variations). Notice how the branching starts almost at the soil line on the leftmost plant.

BTW, there are purple fruit, light green fruit, and regular dark green colored fruit.

I'll try to report back in a couple of weeks with pictures and progress.

BTW, Craig, I have overhead pictures that perhaps provide a better view of the foliage variations. Ask and I'll post.

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