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Old June 4, 2009   #152
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Today's photos.
Pepper 1 with the green foliage and bi colored flowers also has bi colored peppers. If you look dead center of the photo then down just a tad, you'll see the green pepper starting to grow

Another Pepper 1 has Purple/Green foliage, bi colored flowers and peppers that are so dark purple, they look black. This one is really putting on peppers.

Pepper 8 plant has green foliage, white flowers, and these finger shaped yellow peppers. Sticking up like that, it appears to be flipping the bird The larger pepper is almost the size of my thumb

Pepper 47 has purple/green foliage, bi colored blooms and no peppers forming still. It gets some shade in the evenings where the other peppers are in sun all day, so that might be why they're not putting on fruit yet?

How will I know when these things are ripe enough to eat?
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