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Old September 13, 2009   #4
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Back in da U.P.
Posts: 1,852

music is popular with growers because of its yield. big bulbs, big cloves.
i've grown it several years, and like it.
georgian crystal, and asian tempest are 2 other hard necks that i have grown for several years. they both can produce large bulbs, usually 4 to 6 cloves with some zing to them.
all 3 did pretty well for me in the U.P.
siberian i've grown a couple years, and i think its a good one. it really has strong root structure. you'll notice it when you harvest next year.
brown rose was sent as a replacement one year from seed savers, when some of the garlic they sent me was moldy. bulbs were just medium size for me. it was decent, but not in my top ten list.

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