Thread: comfrey
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Old March 1, 2010   #3
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
Posts: 2,543

Find someone locally who has some. All you need is a four-inch-long section of a thick root (half-inch diameter or so).

I gave away a bunch one year and, just for fun, potted up the very thin rootlets that were left over. They formed plants too! In my climate, comfrey dies back in the winter (or gets eaten back) and has already started sprouting in the past couple weeks.

Another year when I was giving more away, I stuck my hand in the ground under one of my plants and kept pulling up pieces of root. It was a little scary to see how many thick roots were in the small space I explored! But in my climate, they survive only if they're watered in the summer.

My comfrey plants don't seem to have spread beyond their clumps, and despite putting up 80 flowering stems per plant, they haven't produced any seedlings.
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