Been using the marigolds to surround all the tomatoes and other veggies I grow in containers/pots, as well as my roses for years. Haven't seen an aphid since I started doing it...and rarely have any other insect pests.
I would usually put 3 to 4 minimum, of the ones that grow to maybe 8 to 12 inches high. I have been known to put more in for "show"....adding colour to the containers most visible from the windows facing my "outdoor jungle" as the family has been known to call it....and believe me...that's the polite version of what they call it. Somehow they complain less when I add marigolds to the tomato pots/containers....I guess because they perceive that as flowers and hits of colour. Go figure...but I digress. I like to put mine about 6-8" apart encircling the tomato however many that takes in the size of pot/container. When the marigolds are blooming and fill out you'll have a "wreath-like" circle around the tomato plant.
Another tip...when you deadhead the marigolds, let them get a bit dried out before picking. That way the seeds will have a chance to mature and you can then safely pull the flowerhead apart and dry the seeds for next year. I haven't bought marigold seeds now in about 12 years - unless I find a variety I've never grown before and "gotta have it" syndrom sets in. LOL
One more tip....start your marigolds about the same time you start your tomatoes and then you'll be about ready for plant out at the same time.