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Old April 3, 2010   #6
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Alabama 7.5 or 8 depends on who you ask
Posts: 727

Craig thanks for the planting into the ground information. How tall was yours when you planted it? What I have read says they like their water - on the plant tag it says don't overwater. Any tips on watering and any information about heavy rains for several days. I haven't found any information on how to clip the leaves off (where I bought the plant said wait until next year as it is very small). I guess I mean where at on the plant do you clip the leaves as not to hurt the plant. And can the leaves be clipped during winter months or should I clip leaves during summer months dry and/or freeze? I was thinking of freezing some leaves for winter use and wondering if they should be put into olive oil and frozen and if this is a way to go for freezing what kind of containers should be used for about 4 or 5 leaves( as I don't think they will fit into an ice cube tray?

Menspace thanks for the tip.

akgardengirl how do you get rid of scale?
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