April 4, 2010
Join Date: Mar 2010
Location: Alabama 7.5 or 8 depends on who you ask
Posts: 727
Originally Posted by Blueaussi
I've grown them outside at both places I've lived in Columbia, and they do quite well. What you paid for yours seems to be about standard, although I've seen them for a lot more.
Once they're established, I find benign neglect the best course of action. I've grown them in full but light shade and full sun. They are somewhat slow growers, so it might be several years before you can get more than a couple of leaves off of your plant. Once they get some size, I cut a branch and dry all the leaves on that branch. It's not a delicate herb like basil, and dried leaves retain their flavor very well. You can also pick a few leaves here and there for fresh use with no problems.
Thanks Blueaussi