Thanks to you both!!! I was worried that if I posted pics, a bunch of people would start telling me how horrible they looked and everything I'm doing wrong: they're too crowded, you need cages, the foliage is awfully sparse, shouldn't they be farther along this time of year in your zone?... you get the picture!!!
Timmah - is that what that is? lol. I'll have to try and feed him something! He's always been a bit "light" but I'm thinking he's gettin' more sickly... Truth be told, I'm amazed he's made it this long! The dirt he's in is AWFUL, it wasn't supposed to be his permanent home, but, I ran out of room very quickly and they seemed okay there. There is some 10-10-10 Miracle Grow CRF and I've given them all the new TomatoTone twice, but I'm not sure how healthy his roots can be... a few inches down the ground gets very hard and compacted! He's stood up to some SERIOUS wind though (pre-staking), so he's really hangin' on somehow!
Talon - Fortunately, I'm not very attached to the 4 hybrids, ESPECIALLY Legend... that's how he ended up relegated to the Lima Bean container.