Thanks Timmah... I'm rather smitten with my little garden!
I think one of the neighbors is secretly irritated by my little flower thief (the one whose flower he has in his grubby little mits), the other one couldn't care less, lol!
And my counts:
July 8th
Arkansas Traveler - 1 (the only one with no blooms, but it's still puny)
Clint Eastwood's Rowdy Red - 6
Mr. Stripey/Tigerella - 0
Cherokee Purple - 1 (FINALLY)
German Johnson (PL) - 6
Yellow Pear - 9 trusses(?)
Babywine - 10
Opalka - 2
Early Giant - 6
Mortgage Lifter - 6
Chocolate Stripe - 1 (dang disease magnet plant!)
Creole - 7
Super Sioux - 11
Country Taste - 8
Summer Cider - 4
Matt's Wild Cherry - 9 trusses(?)
Paul Robeson - 5
Legend - 0
The temps have been super high for weeks... with high humidity and NO rain. My plants are troopers!