Thread: new shots
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Old July 14, 2010   #4
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The Mt Mgic looks Ok but Smarty should be a true grape shape and that's not what I see of the fruits in front. There's no chance of any mixups at all b'c what I sent out were F1 seeds directly from the Breeder, Dr. Randy Gardner, and the Smarty one was sold last year by Johnny's and the picture showed a grape shape which is what I got here at home last year.

About the Juane Flamme. it should be round but what I see is not round.

Could there be some distortion due to the photography?

Do keep your pictures of the two NCSU ones b'c as I said in my recent post in the NCSU thread in the Seed Exchange in a few weeks I'm going to put up two threads in the General Discussion Forum, one for feedback from my general seed offer this year and one for feedback for the NCSU varieties.
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